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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to attend Birchwood College?

Full time courses are free of charge for students aged between 16 -19 (there may be exceptions if you are a student applying from overseas). However, you must expect some costs associated with the courses for which you enrol. For example, these can include purchasing textbooks, stationery and/or uniforms. 

What level of course should I do?

Our courses are organised into different levels:

  • Level 3: Advanced (grade 9-4 students)

  • Level 2 Programme – for those students who may to gain further qualifications before starting a Level 3 programme or to enable them to move on to further vocational type training, including apprenticeships.

The course you choose will depend on your exam results. When choosing which course you want to study, look at the course entry requirements along with whether you prefer academic, practical or hands on learning.

Why are my predicted results so important?

These will determine what level of course you should be applying for and will be discussed at your interview prior to being made an offer.

When should I apply?

The College is closing at the end of the acedemic year 2023-2024

Why is my school asked to provide a reference about me?

What your school says about you will help us make sure you have applied for the right course.

What is the 16-19 Bursary Fund?
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme intended to help the most vulnerable 16-19 year olds in full-time education. The scheme is made up of two parts: a payment of £1,200 to the most vulnerable young people; and a discretionary fund. For more information about this or an application , please contact us at Birchwood College.
What facilities does Birchwood College provide?

Birchwood College is an excellent place to study with new and up to date facilities being added all the time. We have recently opened our new state of the art Science Laboratory and have added a dedicated Media suite to coincide with our fantastic Creative Media and BTEC ICT courses.

We have our own dedicated Sports Laboratory in the College, specifically designed to meet the needs of those studying our very popular BTEC Sport programme.

Every student who attends Birchwood College is issued their own personal laptop to use each day whilst completing their programmes of study. This supports the independent study encouraged within vocational learning.

Our purpose built facility includes the following:

2,000 sq metre building accommodating up to 200 students
4 meeting/seminar/tutorial rooms
12 multi-purpose teaching rooms
4 separate P.E. changing rooms
Student cafe/social/work area
Outdoor patio/eating area
Student workstations with ICT facilities
Personal laptop for every student
Internet/network access for students bringing in their own laptops/tablets
Performing Arts Centre
Full size 3G artificial pitch

What do I do when I get my Key Stage 4 Results?
As soon as you get your results you will need to come to the college and attend an interview with a senior member of staff to finalise your courses and to enrol at the college. An appointment for this will be given to you before to results day.
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