Welcome from the Headteacher
I am absolutely delighted and privileged to be the Headteacher of Birchwood Community High School. As a school, we understand young people only get one chance to experience school-life and our aim is very simple: to support them to grow into confident and independent students with high aspirations, a love of learning and strong community values.
Our school is a very special community that we are incredibly proud of: it is made up of approximately 900 unique students (11-16), supportive parents, forward-thinking governors, as well as an inspirational and talented body of staff who are fully committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum in an engaging and dynamic way. Our school is a safe, caring and happy place for our students and they enjoy attending all lessons; we take every opportunity to praise and celebrate their successes. As well as having every student’s full academic potential and high standards of learning at the forefront of our practice, we also recognise the importance of encouraging our students to pursue all of their interests. They are given many opportunities to develop their leadership skills, 100% of students attend two enrichment sessions a week during the school day, and we are lucky that our staff are very dedicated, giving up their own time to provide a wide range of extra- curricular activities after school too.
Our caring and supportive ethos enables our students to move forward as confident, kind and respectful young people who are ready for their next stage in life. Quite simply, we want them to be the very best that they can be.
I think our school and our students speak for themselves so although our website can provide you with a lot of information about our school, I would encourage you to arrange a visit during the school day so that we can show you that we are a community of passionate professionals who are as committed to your child’s future as you are. Finally, we are pleased to share with you that the school was recognised last year as a centre of excellence for our work on student development. We truly place the nurturing of students’ characters at the heart of what we do so are thrilled that this has been recognised nationally. All in all, quite rightly, we are very proud of our school.
Emma Mills