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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Lead: Mrs J Jenkinson

CEIAG and Btec Co-ordinator: Mr D Sutton


We aim to provide high quality careers education and guidance to enable students to make choices wisely, achieve their potential and put their talents to good use throughout their career.

We continually look for ways to strengthen and extend our links with training providers and local businesses. Our Careers programme aims to help individuals to succeed and to achieve their broader aims by raising their aspirations and equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary for the future. We have various enrichment events and workshops that take place throughout the academic year for all students. 

Birchwood’s careers provision centres around dedicated careers lessons as part of our Personal Development curriculum as well as bespoke events and activities such as our annual work experience programme. Our careers provision is mapped against the CDI framework and aligns with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. Our provision considers the feedback from all stakeholders and is reviewed on an annual basis to ensure it meets the needs of every student and is relevant to the ever-changing world of work. 


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