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At Birchwood, we believe that every student deserves to have thoughtful, purposeful and enjoyable lessons throughout their time at school and across all of their subjects.

This is why we follow a curriculum that is ‘knowledge-rich’. This means that all lessons include information that has been carefully selected and deemed to be of the highest importance. All lessons link together so that all of the content to which students are exposed is vital and part of a bigger sequence. Essentially, the curriculum has been carefully designed so that students build on key concepts during each year of study. With this approach, by the time they leave Birchwood, students will have encountered a range of valuable and inspirational learning material – this will empower them to approach their future with confidence and integrity.

As well as developing the academic experience of students, the curriculum has been created to create numerous opportunities for personal enrichment. We believe that a truly brilliant education, as well as equipping students with scholarly knowledge, guides them to be kind, responsible citizens who do not settle for easy answers.


Curriculum Resources

At Birchwood, we want to empower our students by helping them to understand how to retain key knowledge and accumulate a vast array of powerful ideas and perspectives – both within their subjects and about the wider world.

To help them to do this, every subject provides students with two key resources:

A knowledge organiser – this is an A4 sheet of paper that summarises all of the key knowledge that students should aim to learn during a unit of work.

A vocabulary list – this is a series of ambitious words that help students to express ideas about each subject in a thoughtful way.

We believe that students get the most out of these resources when they are given the tools to remember information. All of the homework that is set at KS3 is learning homework – this means that students are expected to revise a key section of the knowledge organiser/a selection of the vocabulary words.



To help students to feel confident about this process we have half termly memory workshops, as a well as having three clear stages to completing homework in a successful way:


Have I checked Class Charts?
Do I have what I need to complete the homework?
Do I know when it is due?


To make sure that I have learnt the information properly, have I completed….

A cheat sheet?
A Microsoft form?
A question and answer sheet?
A revision activity requested by my teacher? 

If you would like some tips on how best to support your child with their homework, please watch this video.


Year HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6


Self and identity

Modern novel: ‘My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece’ 

Identity – who am I and how do I fit into my family?

Modern novel: ‘My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece’ 

Identity poetry (pre-20th to modern) 

Identity – who am I and how do I fit into my family?

Classic novel:
‘Great Expectations’ 

Identity – how do I fit into the society around me?

 Classic novel:
‘Great Expectations’  

Identity – how do I fit into the society around me?

Shakespeare play: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ 

Identity – how do I survive in the world around me?

Shakespeare play: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ 

Identity – how do I survive in the world around me?

Focus: Writing (creative) Reading skills Reading skills, building on HT2 Writing (creative), building on HT1 Reading skills, building on HT2 and HT3 Writing (viewpoint), building on HT1 and HT4




Modern novel:

‘The Book Thief’ 

Conflict – how does war affect humanity?

Modern novel:

‘The Book Thief’ 

Conflict – how does war affect humanity?

Classic literature: the Gothic tradition 

Conflict – how does conflict affect individuals?


Conflict poetry 

Conflict – how does conflict affect individuals?

Shakespeare play: ‘Romeo and Juliet’ 

Conflict – what are the effects of conflict for society?

Shakespeare play: ‘Romeo and Juliet’ 

Conflict – what are the effects of conflict for society?

Focus: Writing (creative) Reading Writing (creative), building on HT1 Reading skills, building on HT2 Reading skills, building on HT2 and HT3 Writing (viewpoint), building on HT1 and HT4



Modern novel:
‘Animal Farm’ 

Power – how and why do people exert power over society?

Modern novel:
‘Animal Farm’ 

Power – how and why do people exert power over society?

Shakespeare play: ‘Othello’ 

Power – how and why do people disempower others?

Shakespeare play: ‘Othello’ 

Power – how and why do people disempower others?

Classic and contemporary literature: powerful voices 

Power – what are some examples of powerful voices over time?

Classic and contemporary literature: powerful voices 

Power – what are some examples of powerful voices over time?

Focus: Reading Writing (viewpoint) Reading, building on HT1 Writing (creative) Reading, building on HT1 and HT3 Writing (creative and viewpoint), building on HT2 and HT4


AQA English Language and Literature

Introduction to English Language Paper 1 reading

‘A Christmas Carol’

‘A Christmas Carol’

Power and Conflict poetry:


‘Bayonet Charge’


Power and Conflict poetry:

‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’



Power and Conflict poetry:


‘War Photographer’

Power and Conflict poetry:

‘Storm on the Island’

‘The Prelude’

‘The Emigree’

‘Checking out Me History’




Unseen poetry



Introduction to English Language Paper 2 reading 

Language: speaking and listening




AQA English Language and Literature

English Language Paper 1 writing

‘An Inspector Calls’

Power and Conflict poetry:



 ‘An Inspector Calls’

Power and Conflict poetry:

‘My Last Duchess’

English Language Paper 2 reading and writing 

Unseen poetry

Year 7 Overview
Order Topic Topics to cover WS skills Interleaves with (potentially)





S,L,G, Particle theory Analysing results- tables and GRAPHS KS2 – Working Scientifically
Physical changes, Heating and cooling SCALE- smallest things  
2 Separating mixtures Mixtures, separating techniques Particle model Chromatography- colour
3 Energy Energy stores and transfers Use of models in science KS2 – Forces
Transfer by heating Variables
Conservation of energy  
4 Chemical reactions Atomic structure and elements, Chemical and physical changes, Examples of chemical reactions, metals and non metals, reactions of metals, Introduce ‘reactivity’. Introduction to equations, SAFETY and use of equipment. Making predictions/observations/ writing up scientific experiments Chemical reactions and physical changes
Models in science ‘changes between energy stores’







Cells, Cell organisation, The microscope, Respiration, introduction to specialised cells Produce labelled diagrams and drawings, Making observations, history of science, ‘scientific ideas change over time’ SCALE- small things Chemical reactions, Energy



(Respiration for both)
Living things manipulate energy
5 Humans Tissues, organs, and organ systems- intro to, (digestion, breathing) and skeleton Make predictions, interpret results MEANS- the microscope SCALE Cells, cell organisation
Energy- energy transfers and human movement?
6 Acids and alkalis Acids and alkalis Variables. Maths skills in science , drawing conclusions, improvements to experiments Reactions
neutralisation Energy, colour
7 Forces and motion Speed, distance-time graphs, forces and movement, force diagrams, balanced and unbalanced, introduce resistance to movement Analysing results –GRAPHS Fundamental principles conservation of…. Explore ideas and misconceptions ‘think and write like a scientist’ many people think this but they are wrong because….
Maths in science- equations EVERY method or similar – to c.f. with maths
8 Plants and ecosystems Plant nutrition and reproduction, interdependence Collecting and recording results, sampling techniques, evaluate methods Cells, energy transfers
9 Electricity Simple circuits Models in science, produce labelled diagrams and drawings KS2 – Working Scientifically
Introduce current and PD ‘rope loop model’ KS2 – Electricity
10 Earth Gravity, the sun and stars, day and night, Earths structure and magnetic fields, rock cycle Maths in science SCALE- massive things Forces, chemical reactions, energy, waves


Year 8 Overview
Order Topic Topics to cover WS skills Interleaves with (potentially)
1 Matter Atoms, ions, and elements. Periodic table G1, 7, 0 in terms of electrons.  Compounds- recation of group 1 with water and group 7, naming compounds, properties of metals and non metals. Polymers Making predictions Yr 7 matter
2 Energy Physical changes, movement of particles, energy and temperature, energy transfer by heating, conduction, convection, radiation, conservation, efficency calculation and sankey diagrams and work done calculations linking to power calculation. Models, interpreting results Waves, particle theory, energy transfers
3 Chemical reactions The period table discovery. Reactions of group 1, 7 and zero. Examples of reactions- oxidation, thermal decomposition, neutralisation, reactions of metals, energy changes in chemical reactions, catalysts, balancing equations, reactivity series drawing conclusions Naming compounds. PT, atoms and elements, acids and alkalis
4 Humans Digestion, nutrients, food tests, breathing and gas exchange, the heart, blood vessels and respiration aerobic and anaerobic. Yeast – using Variables Catalysts, energy changes in reactions, cells, particle model-diffusion
5 Forces Force diagrams, friction, air and water resistance, resultant force, relative motion, forces and accelartation, F=ma, moments, pressure, elasticity, magnets. interpreting results GRAPHS Human movement, design technology
6 Inheritance DNA, variation, natural selection and SoF, extinction and preserving species   Cells, specialised cells, Earth and ecosystems
7 Separating techniques Review and apply separating techniques to the extraction of all the components of a solution of copper sulphate Planning and conducting an experiment Particle model, changes of state
8 Motion and pressure Speed (again), motion graphs with greater detail. Hooke’s law again in greater detail, Pressure in gases, liquids and on solids. Moments. Making comparisons, evaluating claims energy
9 Plants Plant nutrition, photosynthesis   cells
10 Waves Water waves, light waves, how we see, colour, sound and hearing Variables, interpreting results, drawing conclusions Energy
Cells – the eye
11 Earth Materials, properties of materials, extracting materials, atmosphere and climate, recycling, carbon cycle   Chemical reactions, ecosystems, interdependence, Geography
12 Electricity Series and parallel circuits, magnets   Energy, forces


Year 9 Overview
Order Topic Topics to cover WS skills Interleaves with (potentially)
1 Health and disease Respiration, digestive and lung health and disease, diabetes, smoking, drugs the heart and sports. Plan, write, conduct, analyse an experiment looking into digestive enzymes- could investigate diffusion, temperature, denaturing of enzymes etc Chemical reactions, Energy
(respiration for both)
Living things manipulate energy
Cells, cell organisation
Energy- energy transfers and human movement.
Catalysts, energy changes in reactions, cells, particle model-diffusion
2 Reactivity series and electrolysis Classifying chemical reactions, energy in reactions, energy levels diagrams,  reactivity series and extracting metals. Plan, write, conduct, analyse an experiment looking into reactivity, electrolysis? Chemical reactions and physical changes
‘changes between energy stores’
Particle model, changes of state
Naming compounds. PT, atoms and elements, acids and alkalis
3 Electricity and electromagnets Electricity, components, investigating electromagnets, power, efficiency Plan, write, conduct, analyse an experiment looking into strength of electromagnets Electricity




 Art Rotation x 4

(9 weeks)












The Living World




Formal Elements of Art


Drawing skills



·         Line/mark-making effects

·         Tonal shading

·         Sgrafitto technique

·         Paper art & manipulation









Colour Theory


Blending skills


·         Portrait proportions

·         Colour blending

·         Drawing techniques

·         Contour lines & shapes












Contemporary artists links


Painting skills



·         Compositional skills

·         Painting techniques

·         Various drawing skills

·         Analysing artwork



Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 10


COMPONENT 1 : Portfolio (60%)


Project 1


COMPONENT 1 : Portfolio


Project 2

Year 11

COMPONENT 1 : Portfolio


Project 2


COMPONENT 2 : Externally Set Assignment (40%)

Choice of 15 starting points

Preparatory work & 10 hour final piece




Business Studies

Year group

Autumn term

Spring term

Summer term


Component 1 Exploring Enterprises

–  Investigate different local businesses

–  The skills and characteristics needed to be an entrepreneur

–  Market research of customers and competitors  

Component 1 Exploring Enterprises

–  Internal and external factors

–  Situational analyses of PEST and SWOT 

Plan and prepare for component 1 external assessment in March

Component 1 Exploring Enterprises – external assessment 

Component 2 – Planning a new business idea

–   Choose an idea and conduct your own market research 


Component 2 – Planning a new business idea

–  Planning a micro enterprise

–  Presenting a business plan

–  Reviewing your business idea 

Plan and prepare for component 2 external assessment – December

Component 3 – Marketing and finance

– Marketing activities

– The marketing mix

– Financial documents and statements

– Financial planning and forecasting

– Sources of finance

Component 3 – Marketing and finance

–     Preparation for the final examination May/June

Year 7 CP (TBC) Year 8 CP (TBC) Year 9 CP (TBC)
No. of Weeks (2 Lessons/fortnight) (2 Lesson/fortnight) (2 Lesson/fortnight)
Welcome to Computing.
Using the IT system to succeed in school & Impact of Technology
Algorithms and Flow Charts
Milo’s Desserts Project
Business and Media
7 wks Algorithms; solving problems by thinking like a computer
Text based Programming
CS Winter Challenges CS Winter Challenges CS Winter Challenges
7 wks Networks from Semaphore to the Internet Developing for the web
Using HTML and CSS
to create webpages
5 wks Modelling data
Binary conversions
Data Science
6 wks Programming essentials Part 1
Introduction to
Python programming
Media – Image editing (Photopea)
  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Year 10

1.1 Systems architecture
1.2 Memory and storage
2.2 Introduction to Python Programming

1.3 Computer networks, connections and protocols
1.4 Network security
2.2 Advanced Python Programming

1.5 Systems software
1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
2.2 Programming Project

Year 11

2.1 Algorithms
2.3 Producing robust programs
2.2 Programming Project

2.4 Boolean logic
2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments

Revision and Exams

Winter Spring Summer
Year 10

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts

Learning aim A: Examine professional practitioners performance work

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts

Learning aim B: Explore the interrelationships between constituent features of existing performance material

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts
Year 11

Component 2: Developing Sills and Techniques in the Performing Arts

Preparation for Component 3

Component 3: Set Task

Responding to a Brief

Component 3: Set Task

Responding to a Brief
Year Group Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Half Term 1: Where and how did Drama begin? (Greek, Roman, Medieval Theatre – Early 16th Century)

Half Term 2: Shakespeare and comedy (Comedy of Errors)

Half Term 3: Silent Movie’s
(Charlie Chaplin)
Historical & Social issues

Half Term 4: Children’s Theatre and Theatre in Education (Peter Pan)

Half Term 5: ‘The Village of Eyam’ (Bubonic plague)

Half Term 6: The Early age of Musicals (West Side Story)



Half Term 1: Commedia – dell’arte (Mid-16th Century) 

Half Term 2: Elizabethan Shakespeare (Titus Andronicus)


Half Term 3: Theatre Practitioners (Brecht)

Half Term 4: Theatre in Education (Gary New Love – underage drinking)

Half Term 5: Historical and Social issues –  Covid 19 ( pandemic )

Half Term 6: Musical Theatre in the 80s (Hairspray)


Half Term 1: Melodrama (19th Century)

Half Term 2: Jacobean Shakespeare (King Lear)

Half Term 3: Theatre Practitioners (Stanislavski & Artaud)

Half Term 4: Theatre in Education (Michael Bigger – Mental Health)

Half Term 5: Historical & Social Issues (Manchester Arena Bombing 2017) 

Half Term 6: Musical Theatre Now (Hamilton)


Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts (Examine professional practitioners performance work)

Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts
(Examine professional practitioners performance work)

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts


Component 3: Set Task
(Responding to a Brief)

Component 3: Set Task
(Responding to a Brief)

Component 3: Set Task
(Responding to a Brief) 


Engineering Rotation x 4

(9 weeks)

 Theme  Focus  Skills
 YEAR 7  Design and Modelling Skills

Designing a one-point perspective city view.

Creating a dream house on google sketch up.

Pewter casting a pendant.

·   Technical Drawing skills

·   Rendering skills

·   Perspective drawing

·   3-dimensional design

·   Metal working skills

·   Tool maintenance

·   Workshop safety

·   2D CAD software

·   Google Sketch up

YEAR 8 Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Toy.

Catapult design investigating levers.

·   Centre of gravity experiment

·   Thread cutting

·   Metal bending

·   Levers

·   Mechanical components

·   Mechanical movements

·   Onshape CAD Drawing

 YEAR 9  Electrical Engineering

Electronic LED Lamp.


·   Electronic Theory

·   Electronic Components

·   Soldering

·   Solder removal

·   Laser Cutting

·   Assembly Drawing

·   Exploded Drawing

·   Onshape CAD Drawing

·   TinkerCAD

·   Orthographic projection


Year 10
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 1 Spring 2 / Summer 1 Summer 2
Unit 3 – Wind Vane Unit 1a – Engineering Sectors Unit 2a – Materials Unit 2b – Disassembly Unit 2c – Plan and Remake Unit 1b – Design
 Knowledge: Knowledge: Knowledge: Knowledge: Knowledge: Knowledge:
This project will introduce you to the main manufacturing techniques used in metal. You will be required to design, mark out, cut, file and polish an aluminium vane before using the lathe to turn a post for it to be mounted to. A direction arm will be screw threaded then brazed into place before drilling and welding a base in place. Developing an understanding of the world of engineering. Be able to explain the need for different engineering sector to exist and use examples to support. Be able to suggest and justify the use of a range of materials in a given product. Making reference to their working properties. Be able to disassemble a given product, identify individual component parts and justify their purpose within the product as a whole. Be able to plan accurately how to remake a given component showing due regard to health and safety and appropriate manufacturing skills gained from previous course experience. Be able to design and present a range of suitable designs ideas to a given engineering problem, showing creativity and flair.


Year 11
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 1 Spring 2 / Summer 1 Summer 2
Unit 1b – Virtual Modelling Unit 3 – Max xaM Unit 1b – Development Unit 1b – Manufacture Unit 1b – Review Unit 3 – Max xaM
Knowledge:  Knowledge:  Knowledge: Knowledge:  Knowledge: Knowledge:
Be able to model a workable design solution using software. Final theory topics are covered, along with a bespoke exam preparation program in order to prepare for written exam (attempt 1). Development of final prototype design through modelling and sketching. Manufacture of the final prototype using a wide range of pre taught skills. High attention to detail and accuracy are essential as well as clear compliance with health and safety practices. Extensive evaluation and testing of final prototype including the presentation of modifications and improvements suggested through reflection. Final theory topics are covered, along with a bespoke exam preparation program in order to prepare for written exam (attempt 2).
Ethics, Philosophy and Religion


Winter Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 7

· Comparative religion- What is religion?

· What do religions share?

· Christianity

· The life of Jesus

· Parables and miracles

· Judaism

· Different groups in Judaism

· Judaism in the world today

Year 8

· Hinduism

· Hindu beliefs about God

· Hindu beliefs about the afterlife.

· Christianity

· Christian celebrations

· Different groups of Christians

· Sikhism

· Key Sikh beliefs

· The Sikh Guru’s

Year 9

· Philosophy

· Science and religion

· Humanism

· GCSE Sikh beliefs

· GCSE Sikh Practices

· GCSE Issues of Relationships

Year 10

· Issues of Life and Death

· Issues of Good and Evil

· Issues of Human rights

Year 11

· Christian beliefs and Practices

· Christian beliefs and practices

· Revision




 Year 8 YEAR 9

·         Students will be introduced to food and consider factors influencing food choice.

·         Use simple sensory perception tests to make judgements on food.

·         Discover and use a range of basic equipment and cooking techniques.

·         Prepare and use a range of ingredients to make a variety of products that demonstrate use of the cooker, hob and grill.

·         Develop awareness of key food safety and hygiene and demonstrate the principles during practical sessions.

·         Investigate the Eatwell guide and current healthy eating advice.

·         Students will continue to expand their practical repertoire through making a variety of more challenging dishes.

·         Learn about British cuisine and what influences our cuisine.

·         Develop understanding of macro and micronutrients and the importance of good nutrition.

·         Investigate a range of nutritional problems that may occur through excess or deficiency of different nutrients.

·         Students will continue to expand their practical repertoire through making a variety of more challenging dishes as well as dishes inspired by other cultures and countries.

·         Investigate food poisoning and food spoilage and the problems associated with these.

·         Investigate useful functions of microorganisms.

·         Apply nutritional knowledge to the planning of meals for different age groups.

·         Investigate diets for specific lifestyles, allergies and religious beliefs choices and diets.

·         Develop awareness of international cuisine.

Year group





Factors affecting food choice (review and build on KS3 work)


Healthy eating and planning balanced diets(review and build on KS3 work)


Macro and micro nutrients (review and extension of KS3 work)



Food commodities -fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy, meat, alternative proteins, fish, cereals.


Pastry making



Sauce making




Food commodities – Eggs, fats, oils and sugar.


Cake making.


Food science/functional and chemical properties of food.




 Special dietary requirements and specific lifestyles (build on KS3 work).



Effects of cooking on food and methods of cooking.


Food provenance, food and the environment, food manufacturing/processing.


Food spoilage, positive use of microorganisms and food poisoning (build on KS3 work). 


Food packaging/ food labelling and food additives


Controlled assessment

The food investigation

The food preparation assessment.

Controlled assessment

The food preparation assessment.

Exam revision and preparation


Year Winter Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 7

·   What is geography?

·   How do earthquakes happen?

·   What is the UK?

·   How are our clothes made?

·   How is Africa a diverse continent?

·   How is Liverpool a ‘global city’?

Year 8

·   Why does population change over time?

·   How do rivers shape our landscape?

·   How developed is China? ·   Why does Britain’s weather change so much?
Year 9

·   How do volcanoes affect people?

·   Does Oxfordshire need a reservoir?

·   Antarctica

·   How does the atmosphere create hazards?

·   How can Warrington’s future be sustainable?
Year 10

·   Living World

·   Development & India

·   Coastal Landscapes

·   Urban Issues & Challenges

·   Human fieldwork: Salford Quays

Year 11

·   Physical fieldwork: River Wyre

·   The UK economy

·   River landscapes

·   Hazards

·   Resources

·    Issue Evaluation

·   Revision
Health and Social Care
Winter Spring Summer
Year 10

Component 1 – Human Lifespan Development

Human growth and development across lifestages

Factors affecting growth and development

Component 1 – Human Lifespan Development

Investigate how individuals deal with life events

Coping with change

Component 2 – Health and Social Care Services and Values

Demonstrate Care Values and review  own progress

Year 11

Component 3 – Health and Wellbeing

Factors affecting health and wellbeing
Interpreting health indicators
Person-centred health and wellbeing improvement plans

Component 3 – Health and Wellbeing

Revision and exam

Component 2 – Health and Social Care Services and Values

Understand the different types of health and social care services and barriers to accessing them

Component 2 – Health and Social Care Services and Values

Understand the different types of health and social care services and barriers to accessing them

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
What has shaped the history of Britain up to 1700? What big ideas have shaped the modern world 1700 – c. 1900? How have the big factors shaped the lives of ordinary people in the twentieth century?
Introduction and Sanitation Industrialisation: Industrial Revolution The Russian Revolution, 1905-1939
How can we tell the story of 1066? Racism: Slave Trade Anti-Semitism: The Holocaust
How did William gain control? Colonialism: British Colonialism British Decolonisation in India and Kenya
Baghdad and the medieval silk roads Democracy: Development of Democracy American Society in the 1920s
Medieval beliefs MAIN and WWI Civil Rights in the USA, 1860-1970
Medieval lives Health: Medicine Through Time
Henry VIII Warrington – Local History Study
Elizabeth I
Year 10 and 11
Paper One (30%) Paper Two (40%) Paper Three (30%)
Crime and Punishment – c.1000 to Present Day Whitechapel Depth Study c.1870-1900 Superpower Relations 1941 – 1991 Early Elizabethan England, 1558 – 1588 Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1919 – 1939
Media Studies

Year Group

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Cambridge National iMedia

R093 Creative iMedia in the media industry.

Topics include; The media industry,

Factors influencing product design, Pre-production planning 

Cambridge National iMedia

R093 Creative iMedia in the media industry.

Topics include;

Pre-production planning and Distribution considerations 

Cambridge National iMedia

Unit R094: Visual identity and digital graphics

Topics include; Develop visual identity,  Plan digital graphics for products and Create visual identity and digital graphics through production work 


Cambridge National iMedia

R087: Creating interactive multimedia products Topics include; The uses and properties of interactive multimedia products, Planning, design

Cambridge National iMedia

R087: Creating interactive multimedia products Topics include; design and evaluation of products

R081: Pre-Production Skills

exam preparation (exam June 2023)

Topics include; the purpose and content of pre-production, Planning, Creation of Pre-production documents and review processes 

R081: Pre-Production Skills

exam preparation (exam June 2023)

Topics include; the purpose and content of pre-production, Planning, Creation of Pre-production documents and review processes





Modern Foreign Languages
Year 7
Topic Areas

Half Term 1 –  French



Greetings and introductions


Numbers 1-31

Months of the year and days of the week

School bag items

Classroom items

Half Term 2 – French

Ma Famille


Family members


Descriptions of hair and eyes

Descriptions of personality

Half Term 3  Spanish



Greetings and introductions


Numbers 1-31

Months of the year and days of the week

School bag items

Classroom items

Half Term 4– Spanish

Mi Familia


Family members


Descriptions of hair and eyes

Descriptions of personality

Half Term  – French

Mon College


School subjects

Opinion phrases + justifications

Describing the school timetable

In the school canteen

Half Term  – Spanish

Mi Colegio


School subjects

Opinion phrases + justifications

Describing teachers

School timetable

Classroom activities

In the school canteen

Year 8
Half Term 1 French – Mes passetemps

What I do on my phone/computer

Free time activities


Frequency phrases and time markers

Types of weather/seasons

Half Term 2 – French

T’es Branché(e)?


TV programmes

Types of films


Internet activities

Describing what you did yesterday

Half Term 3 – Spanish

Mi tiempo libre


Free time activities

Frequency phrases

Telling the time


Places in town

Plans for next weekend

Half Term 4 – Spanish



Types of TV programmes

Types of films

Inviting someone to go out

Half Term  – French

J’adore Paris!


Paris tourist attractions

Describing what you visited, saw and ate.

Giving opinions in the past tense

Describing how you travelled and how long you stayed.

Understanding tourist information e.g. opening times


Half Term 6 – Spanish Vacaciones

Holiday destinations – names of countries

Modes of transport

Holiday activities

Describing a past holiday

Giving opinions on a past holiday.

Travelling to South America



Year 9 French
Half Term 1 – La Nourriture

Breakfast lunch and tea items

Ordering food in a café or snack bar

Understanding a menu



Half Term 2 – Chez moi, chez toi

Describing where you live

Comparing two different houses

Saying what’s in your home (rooms and items of furniture)

Describing your ideal house

Describing a trip to the Nice carnaval

Half Term 3 – Ma Vie Sociale d’Ado

Describing what you do on social media

Giving your opinion of someone

Arranging to go out

Describing a date/day out

Describing a music event

Half Term 4 – Bien dans sa Peau

Parts of the body

Benefits of sport and fitness

Making healthy eating resolutions and plans to get fit

Describing levels of fitness


Half Term 5 – Les Vacances

Discussing holidays

Planning an ideal/adventurous holiday

What to pack in your suitcase

Describing what happened on holiday including holiday disasters

Visiting a holiday camp

Half Term 6 – Les Choristes

Using personality adjectives for describing the main characters

Using the perfect tense to describe events in the film

Using the future tense to make predictions about the film

Writing a film review




Year 9 Spanish
Half Term 1 – En Casa

Describing where you live

Adding extra detail to sentences

Describing the rooms in your home

What do you do at home?

Describing what is in your room

Daily routine

Half Ter 2 – En la Ciudad

Describing your town and comparing it to another town

Saying what is in your town and giving directions

Inviting someone out

Describing the weather

What will you do in your town this weekend?

Half Term 3 – La Comida

Items of food and drink

Describing mealtimes

Ordering food in a restaurant

Talking about a special meal

Half Term 4 – La Ropa

Items of clothing

Describing your style

Discussing different types of shops

Describing and giving opinions on school uniform

Half Term 5 – La Salud

Parts of the body

Illnesses and injuries

In the pharmacy

Do you have a healthy diet? Healthy vs unhealthy foods

Recap of frequency phrases

Talking about lifestyle changes



Half Term 6 – Valentin

Valentin film project (cultural enrichment)

Describing the main characters using personality and appearance adjectives

Describing events in the film and events that took place in 1969

Learning more about Argentina

Using opinion phrases and present/preterite tenses to write a review of the film


Year 10 and 11 Spanish
Year 10


Theme 1 – Family and Friends

Family members


Opinions on relationships and marriage

Opinions of dating sites


Theme 1 – New Technologies

Types of new technology

Uses of new technology

Pros and cons of social media

Pros and cons of phones and computers


Theme 1 – Free Time

TV and films

Weekend activities

Food and drink

In a restaurant

Describing a special meal

Sport including sport around the world


Theme 1 – Customs and Festivals

Los Castells

El Colacho

San Fermin

Moros y Cristianos

Dia de lo Muertos

Las Fallas


Theme 3 – School and post 16

Describing school building

Opinions on different subjects and teachers

Opinions on school rules.

What you would change in your school

University or apprenticeships?


Theme 3 – Jobs and Future plans

Naming a range of jobs and careers

Looking for a job

Pros and cons of different jobs

Your ideal job

Year 11


Theme 2 – Home and Local Area

Rooms in the house and furniture

Local amenities

Pros and cons of home and area

Ideal home


Theme 2 – Social Issues

Contributing to charity

Importance of charity in society

Lifestyle – healthy or unhealthy?

Alcohol, drugs and smoking


Theme 2 – Global Issues

Poverty and unemployment

Environmental issues

Potential solutions for the environment

How you have helped recently and will help in the future


Theme 2 – Holidays


Usual holiday preferences

Accommodation and transport

Describing a past holiday

Ideal holiday

Interpreting tourist information


Exam revision





Year 10 and 11 French
Year 10


Theme 1 – Family and Friends

Family members


Qualities of a good friend

Opinions on relationships and marriage


Theme 1 – New Technologies

Types of new technology

Uses of new technology

Pros and cons of social media

Pros and cons of phones and computers


Theme 1 – Free Time

TV and films

Weekend activities

Food and drink

Food from around the world


Opinions on extreme sports


Theme 1 – Customs and Festivals

Naming a range of festivals celebrated in France

How you celebrate Christmas/your birthday

Describing a visit to French festival – Solidays

Festivals in the French speaking world – Diwali (La Reunion)


Theme 3 – School and post 16

Describing the school day

Describing school building

Opinions on different subjects and teachers

Opinions on school rules.

What you would change in your school

University or apprenticeships?


Theme 3 – Jobs and Future plans

Naming a range of jobs and careers

Pros and cons of different jobs

Qualifications and qualities – writing a CV


Year 11


Theme 2 – Home and Local Area

Rooms in the house and furniture

Local amenities

Pros and cons of home and area

Ideal home


Theme 2 – Social Issues

Contributing to charity

Importance of charity in society

Lifestyle – healthy or unhealthy?

Alcohol, drugs and smoking


Theme 2 – Global Issues

Poverty and unemployment

Environmental issues

Potential solutions for the environment

How you have helped recently and will help in the future


Theme 2 – Holidays


Usual holiday preferences

Accommodation and transport

Describing a past holiday

Ideal holiday

Interpreting tourist information


Exam revision

General revision of all topics covering all skill areas.
Year Group Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2





The Elements









Keyboards, and reading Pitch



Structure and Form









Rhythm & Ensembles













The Blues
(history, listening, chords & structure)




The Blues /
World & traditional Music




The Modern Pop Scene





Music for the Silver Screen


Rock n Roll Listening and Accompaniment



Rock n Roll Ballad and song writing



Periods in musical history /
Major & Minor Chords




Pop Decades / Eras





Year Group

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term



(Ensemble Skills)

AoS 1 Musical Forms and Devices

AoS4 Popular Music

(Free Composition)

AoS 2 Music for Ensembles

AoS4 Popular Music

(Completion of Free Composition)

AoS 3 Film Music

Internal exam preparation




Set Works

Revisit AoS 1-4

Mock Exam Preparation

Final performance assessments

Composing to a Brief

Final exam preparation

Revisit Set Works

Revisit AoS 1-4



PSHE Day 1

Term 1

HT1 and HT2

Form Time and PD PSHE

PSHE Day 2

Term 2

HT3 and HT4

Form Time PSHE

Term 3

HT5 and HT6

Form time PSHE


Being an ally- in school and in society

Respecting different views

Appreciating difference

Understanding physical/ mental changes throughout puberty


Taking care of yourself/the importance of routines

Health and prevention

Dental health

Respect and boundaries in families

Acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in relationships

Marriage and different types of relationships 


First aid workshops (External Speakers)

Mental Health First aid (External)

Physical and mental wellbeing

Recognising the health needs of others


Age of  consent/ intimate relationships

Body changes

Different types of long term relationships

Communicating within relationships

Alcohol/ tobacco/ drug information- impact  on health


Sexting /Sexually explicit images /Pornography

Online behaviour – Trolling


Extremist views






Child Exploitation /Sexual Exploitation

Bullying and unacceptable behaviours within a relationship i.e. coercive control .

Financial literacy i.e. interest rates, overdrafts, credit cards.

Gender equality

Understanding different perspectives i.e. mental health


Pornography and consent

Consent (sexual harassment/ sexual violence)

Drugs- legal and illegal



FGM  (External Speakers)

Honour based violence (External Speakers)


Breast and Testicular cancer awareness

Online usage

Distinguishing between reality and online personas

Post 16 choices


Pregnancy- choices




Pornography and consent (missed due to covid)

Body image 



Emotional Resilience (External Speaker)

Honour Based violence (External speakers)- missed due to covid

FGM  (External Speakers)-missed due to covid

Consumerism online and being financially savvy surrounding this.

Dangers of online gambling

Post 16 Transition




Textiles Rotation x 4

(9 weeks)




Year 7

Hand puppets

Responding to a brief through design work and developing skills in embroidery and embellishment

·         Designing

·         Annotating

·         Embroidery and embellishment

·         Applique

·         Analytical skills developed through self-reflection

Year 8 Neurographic Art and portrait cushions

 Developing an understanding of Neurographic Art, how to safely operate a sewing machine, developing embroidery skills and learning the process of screen printing

·         Drawing skills

·         Sewing machine inductions

·         Screen printing

·         Tie Dye

·         Embroidery and Embellishment

·         Analytical skills through self-reflection

Year 9

Mandala drawstring bag

Developing an understanding of patterns, learning a wider range of complex stitches, and learning the process of batik

 ·        Drawing skills

·         Understanding of pattern

·         Batik and brusho dye

·         Embroidery and embellishment

·         Safe operation of a sewing machine

·         Analytical skills through self-reflection

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Year 10

COMPONENT 1Portfolio (30%)


Project 1

COMPONENT 2Portfolio (30%)

Birds and feathers

Project 2

Year 11

COMPONENT 1Portfolio (30%)

Birds and feathers

Project 2


COMPONENT 2Externally Set Assignment (40%)

Choice of 7 starting points

Preparatory work & 10-hour final piece





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