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Aims and objectives

  • To ensure that every student understands that the media play a central role in contemporary society and culture.
  • To ensure that students learn that the media shape our perceptions of the world through the representations, viewpoints and messages they offer.
  • To develop confidence and practical skills in using media technology to produce their own media forms in response to a need identified by a client.  
  • To develop an understanding of the ways in which media industries employ large numbers of people worldwide and operate as commercial industries on a global scale. 
  • To give students the opportunity to gain a qualification that can be used for further study or employment

Prior Learning and Progression

During the OCR iMedia course you’ll develop and practise a range of skills which will equip you for progression to A Level study. They will also help you hugely in other areas such as Film, English, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Over one hundred universities offer courses in Media, Communications and Cultural Studies in the UK. An A Level qualification in Media Studies, informed by study at GCSE level, helps you to move towards these courses, as well as to those in a range of other areas. If university isn’t for you, there is a huge array of career opportunities in the media, and it’s an industry that is growing very quickly. If you are interested in the idea of a career in TV and film production, advertising, journalism, interactive media, and digital marketing, technical production, special effects, web design and post-production, then studying OCR iMedia is a great place to start.

KS4 Curriculum Overview










R094 Topic area 1 – Understanding Visual identity



Learning question:

Can I understand what visual identity is and apply concepts of graphic design?


Key knowledge: Design principles – white space, font styles, colours, accessibility.

Purpose and audience

R094 Topic area 1 – Designing visual identity (R094)



Learning question:

Can I understand how to effectively plan and create a digital graphic?



Key knowledge: planning techniques, visualisation diagrams, moodboards, properties of digital graphics format, file formats, tools for editing graphics in photoshop

Understanding of copyright laws/intellectual property law


Completing the R094 OCR digital assignment independently


Learning question:

Can I understand how to design and create visual identity and graphics?




Key knowledge:

Design principles – white space, font styles, colours, accessibility.

Purpose and audience. planning techniques, visualisation diagrams, moodboards, properties of digital graphics format, file formats, tools for editing graphics in photoshop

Completing the R094 OCR digital assignment independently –(continued)

Learning question:

Can I understand how to design and create visual identity and graphics?




Key knowledge:

Design principles – white space, font styles, colours, accessibility.

Purpose and audience. planning techniques, visualisation diagrams, moodboards, properties of digital graphics format, file formats, tools for editing graphics in photoshop


R097 Topic area 1 – Features and conventions of Interactive digital media

Learning question: Can I understand what defines interactive digital media and how to plan a successful product?

Key knowledge:

Features and conventions of interactive digital media, formats, purposes, resources needed and where to source them from – video, photo, audio

Understanding of copyright laws/intellectual property law

Completing the R097 OCR digital assignment independently


Learning question:

Can I understand how to design and create an interactive media product to meet requirements of a brief?


Key knowledge:

Features and conventions of interactive digital media, formats, purposes, Planning techniques, resources needed and where to source them from – video, photo, audio

Editing skills, video, photo, audio

Understanding of copyright laws/intellectual property law


Building and revisiting

What they see/hear through advertising and products they use

Topic areas 1 and 2 KS3 learning about using software tools

Topic areas 1, 2 and 3

Topic areas 1, 2 and 3

R094 Topic area 1 R094 Topic area 2 KS3 knowledge of planning documents and hardware needed

R094 Topic area 3 KS3 knowledge of software tools


RAP: Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes, End of topic test

RAP: Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes, End of topic test

KAST 1 Assessed in line with OCR guidelines

Assessed in line with OCR guidelines

RAP: Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes

RAP: KAST 2 Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes, End of topic test











Completing the R097 OCR digital assignment independently


Learning question:

Can I understand how to design and create an interactive media product to meet requirements of a brief?


Key knowledge:

Features and conventions of interactive digital media, formats, purposes, Planning techniques, resources needed and where to source them from – video, photo, audio

Editing skills, video, photo, audio

Understanding of copyright laws/intellectual property law


Completing the R097 OCR digital assignment independently


Learning question:

Can I understand how to design and create an interactive media product to meet requirements of a brief?


Key knowledge:

Features and conventions of interactive digital media, formats, purposes, Planning techniques, resources needed and where to source them from – video, photo, audio

Editing skills, video, photo, audio

Understanding of copyright laws/intellectual property law


Exam topic R093 – planning documents



Learning question: Can I understand how to use planning and design documents when working to a brief?

Key knowledge: reading a client brief – audience, purpose. Formats and uses of different types of planning documents – mindmaps, storyboards, visualisation diagrams, work plans.

Exam topic R093 – Legislation and file formats



Learning question: Can I understand legislation in relation to creative work and the best format to present it as?

Key knowledge:

Difference between Creative commons licence, copyright and Trade marks. How purpose affects format of work. Key file formats for graphics, video and audio work.


Exam topic R093 – production considerations



Learning question:

Can I understand how to work safely when producing different forms of media?


Key knowledge:

Health and safety when working on computers, how site recces are conducted for production work, risk assessments.







Exam leave

Building and revisiting

R094 Topic area 1 R094 Topic area 2 KS3 knowledge of planning documents and hardware needed

R094 Topic area 1 R094 Topic area 2 KS3 knowledge of planning documents and hardware needed

R094 Topic area 1 R094 Topic area 2 KS3 knowledge of planning documents and hardware needed

Topic areas 1 and 2

R094 copyright and legislation

Software tools




Assessment in line with OCR guidelines

Assessment in line with OCR guidelines

RAP: Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes, End of topic test

RAP: Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes, End of topic test

RAP: Recall 5, learning log reviews, low stakes quizzes, End of topic test


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