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We want all our students, regardless of socioeconomic background, to be equipped with the scientific knowledge to flourish beyond Birchwood Community High School. As a department, we have worked together to plan an ambitious curriculum that provides varied opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Empowering students to succeed and ensuring they are independent and resilient through a carefully crafted, well-planned and challenging curriculum is our ultimate aim. We want to encourage students to think critically, approach problems with creativity and remain curious about the wider world building on prior knowledge from Key stage 2.

How do we build on what students learn at KS2?

We want to ensure that our students are thoroughly supported in their transition from KS2 to KS3 in Science. We aim to bridge both prior substantive and disciplinary knowledge across the key stages. In order to do this, we aim to work with local primary schools so that our curriculums complement one another. In Year 7, we purposely prioritise revisiting and rebuilding on the following areas of KS2 study:

Working Scientifically: Peppered throughout the curriculum is opportunity to hone students’ practical skills with an array of hand on activities in a real lab. Building on investigative, comparative, recording and observational skills nurtured at key stage 2.

Prior knowledge: Our well planned and thoughtful curriculum is research led using Best Evidence of Science Teaching (York University 2019- BEST). This allows us to revisit key stage 2 national curriculum within year 7 and year 8.

HT1: Introducing energy and matter is delivered in this half term. Building on students’ knowledge of energy in food, energy in plants and animals and discovering sound, light and electricity. Investigating changes of state using both hands on activities and maths skills to interpret their findings, both topics are covered in the first half term. This builds upon work from Year2, 4,5 and 6.

HT2: Investigating forces with application using practical skills and application into the real world. Cells and organ systems are taught here to better understand out body whilst also making links to topics taught in HT1 and forces at year 5.

HT3: Introduces the first of our topics under the discipline of biology. Cells and organ systems are the two topics taught here. Links to Year 2 animals and offspring; Year 3 structure and function, year 5 living things and year 6 animals including humans. Students have the opportunity to dissect organs, recognise how specialised cells are adapted to their function and collect cells to view under the microscope. 

HT4: Introduces electricity and builds upon prior knowledge of construction of simple circuits and identifying simple components such as cells, wires and bulbs taught in year 4 and the introduction of simple series circuits and the link between voltage and cells introduced in year 6. We will introduce new vocabulary such as resistance and coulombs and parallel circuits.

Elements and compound is delivered; building on the keys stage 2 substantive knowledge of group material in terms of properties, hardness, conductivity in year 5 and comparative observation of material in year 2. 

HT 5: We explore plant reproduction building on plant cycles, germination and anatomy of plants delivered in year 2,3 and 5.

Chemical reactions is also taught and the substantive knowledge of properties and changing materials where simple reactions such as rusting, burning and reactions with vinegar was explored in year 2 and again in year 5 were the term reversible and irreversible changes are introduced. We build upon this knowledge through carrying out investigative work identifying both chemical and physical changes.

HT6: We investigate waves such as sound, building on knowledge of vibrations and patterns between pitch and volume delivered in year 4. 

The importance of literacy:

Throughout our thoughtful curriculum we revisit and build upon subject specific vocabulary and have a Science club during our enrichment sessions. At Birchwood Science department we support the development of literacy through; Introducing new vocabulary throughout each year and using this to develop our students’ fluency and confidence in reading and writing in science. Making increasingly perceptive inferences about topics for both Science knowledge and vocabulary. Making links between what they know and how knowledge is built upon, allowing them to know more and remember more. Scientific vocabulary, practical aspects and mathematical skills delivered and interleaved throughout the curriculum nurturing confidence in students enabling them to become leaders within the field. The importance of making mistakes, nurturing a secure environment to enable students acknowledge the mistakes, reflect and adapt. Promoting oracy and building our students’ ability to talk about their ideas and opinions in a clear, formal and confident way. 

How do we cover the KS3 National Curriculum and beyond?

In years 7-9 the KS3 National Curriculum forms the basis for everything studied whilst laying the foundations for what students will study at GCSE. Teaching within the subject disciplines to develop a deeper understanding of scientific ideas in biology, physics and chemistry. Allowing connections across the disciplines and make connections with big ideas to nurture a strong understanding of scientific knowledge and the world around them.

We ensure that we cover the KS3 National Curriculum by having an equal balance of substantive and disciplinary knowledge.

– Experimental and investigative skills

– Analysis and evaluation

– Peer review

– Experimental techniques; recognising the important of hazards and risks and taking suitable precautions. Using appropriate techniques and equipment

– Science trips to both Belgium and Iceland

-Links to industry and workplace for local companies within the community. 

What do we cover in KS4 and how do we aspire towards KS5?

We ensure that our curriculum revisits concepts and ideas that are covered in KS3 and that more mature topics are dealt with in a sensitive and age-appropriate way.

We want to ensure that our students are ready for life beyond KS4 and that they consider a scientific field beyond KS4. As part of this, we aim to:

-Have regular subject specific CPD from Ks5 providers to ensure students make a    seamless transition beyond Birchwood

  • Trip to workplaces within our community
  • University links specialising in Science based courses 

Beyond the curriculum, we provide:

  • Key skills sessions
  • Exam technique drop-in sessions.
  • Science focused school trips including Belgium and Iceland
  • Science booster sessions for Ks4
  • Enrichment sessions



KS3 Curriculum
Year HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6




Topic 1:

Introducing energy



Learning question: 

What is energy?


Key knowledge:

That energy can be transferred between stores in several different mechanisms.




-Law of conservation of energy

-Closed systems

– Energy is quantitative rather than a substance.

-Link to real word; we store money in our pockets- analogy of money

-Energy from food


When systems change in either; motion, position or temperature its energy changes and we can calculate the amount of change.

National curriculum coverage:

-energy changes on changes of state (qualitative)

-comparing energy values of different foods (from labels) (kJ)

metabolism of food, burning fuels.

-energy as a quantity that can be quantified and calculated; the total energy has the same value before and after a change


Zip grade assessment





Topic 2:

Matter and changing state.



Learning question:

What are particles how they behave?



Key knowledge and skills

Sc1 Recording and observing the effect of increasing temperature.

Changing state

-Melting points

-Boiling points

-Kinetic energy*

Thermal energy*

Energy transfer*



National curriculum coverage:

– the properties of the different states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) in terms of the particle model, including gas pressure – -changes of state in terms of the particle model.

-conservation of material and of mass, and reversibility, in melting, freezing, evaporation, sublimation, condensation, dissolving

-similarities and differences, including density differences, between solids, liquids and gases

-Brownian motion in gases

-diffusion in liquids and gases driven by differences in concentration

Zip grade assessment

Overarching topic test



Topic 3: 




Learning question: 

What are the effects of forces?


Key knowledge:  

-Balanced and unbalanced forces

-Contact and non contact

-Resultant forces

-Newtons 1st and 3rd Law

– Speed, distance time graphs

-Gravity and weight

– Effects of forces

-Conversions between Newtons and Kilograms

-Pivots and levers

-Extension of a spring*

-Links between forces and energy*

-Pressure due to particles*


National curriculum coverage:

-Laws of motion

forces as pushes or pulls, arising from the interaction between two objects

– stretching a spring,

-using force arrows in diagrams, adding forces in one dimension, balanced and unbalanced forces

-moment as the turning effect of a force

-forces: associated with deforming objects; stretching and squashing – springs; with rubbing and friction between surfaces, with pushing things out of the way; resistance to motion of air and water

-forces measured in newtons, measurements of stretch or compression as force is changed

-other processes that involve energy transfer: changing motion, dropping an object,

non-contact forces: gravity forces acting at a distance on Earth and in space, forces between magnets and forces due to static electricity

-forces being needed to cause objects to stop or start moving, or to change their speed or direction of motion (qualitative only)

-change depending on direction of force and its size.

Zip grade assessment



Topic 4:



Learning question:

What are the differences between cells?



Key knowledge:

Function and adaptations

-Specialised cells

-Comparison of cells from both plant and animal


-Tissues and organs

-Specialised cells

-Uni and multi cellular organisms


-Transfer of energy in cells*

-Store of energy in cells*


-Drawing conclusions*


National curriculum coverage:

-cells as the fundamental unit of living organisms, including how to observe, interpret and record cell structure using a light microscope

-the functions of the cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuole, mitochondria and chloroplasts

– the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells

-the role of diffusion in the movement of materials in and between cells

-the structural adaptations of some unicellular organisms


Zip grade assessment

Overarching topic test







Topic 5:

Human Systems- Organs and skeletal


Learning question: 

How are organisms organised?


Key knowledge:  

-Structure of cells, movement of substances. *


-How the muscular and skeletal systems interact.

-Organ systems


-Single and multicellular organisms

National curriculum coverage:

– the hierarchical organisation of multicellular organisms: from cells to tissues to organs to systems to organisms.

– the structure and functions of the human skeleton, to include support, protection, movement and making blood cells

– biomechanics – the interaction between skeleton and muscles, including the measurement of force exerted by different muscles

– the function of muscles and examples of antagonistic muscles.

Zip grade assessment











Topic 6:

Elements and compounds 



Learning question: 

What is the difference between an element and compound?


Key knowledge:  

– the varying physical and chemical properties of different elements

-The difference between elements, mixtures, compounds

-Introduction into elemental symbols

-The structure of the periodic table

-Properties and links

-States of elements*

-Graph drawing*

-Conducting exploratory investigations*



National curriculum coverage:

-the principles underpinning the Mendeleev Periodic Table

-the Periodic Table: periods and groups; metals and non-metals

-how patterns in reactions can be predicted with reference to the Periodic Table

-the properties of metals and non-metals

– the chemical properties of metal and non-metal oxides with respect to acidity.

– Comparison of elements, mixtures and compounds

– Elemental symbols and names

-Classification of elements based upon properties

Zip grade assessment

Overarching topic test
























Topic 7:


Learning question:

What is an electric current?

Key knowledge:

-Parallel circuits

-Series circuit



-Voltages and current *


-Graph drawing*

-Analysis and conclusions*

-Energy transfers*

National curriculum coverage:

-electric current, measured in amperes, in circuits, series and parallel circuits, currents add where branches meet and current as flow of charge

-potential difference, measured in volts, battery and bulb ratings; resistance, measured in ohms, as the ratio of potential difference (p.d.) to current

-differences in resistance between conducting and insulating components (quantitative)

– completing an electrical circuit

Zip grade assessment


Topic 8:

Chemical reactions


Learning question:

How do we know a chemical reaction has taken place?

Key knowledge: 

-Endothermic *

-Exothermic *

-Physical and chemical changes

-Recognising reactions

-Elements, mixtures, and compounds*

-Changes of state*

-Conservation of mass*


-Energy stored within bonds*

National curriculum coverage:

-chemical reactions as the rearrangement of atoms -Representing chemical reactions using formulae and using equations

– combustion, thermal decomposition, oxidation and displacement reactions

-the difference between chemical and physical changes

Zip grade assessment

Overarching topic test




Topic 9:

Acid and alkali’s


Learning question: What makes something acidic?


Key knowledge:

-Using pH scale


-Everyday examples of acids and alkali’s


-Acid and alkali produce salt + water

-Reactions of metals and acids

-Chemical formula*

-Chemical reactions*


National curriculum coverage:


-defining acids and alkalis in terms of neutralisation reactions

– the pH scale for measuring acidity/alkalinity; and indicators

-Reactions of acids with metals to produce a salt plus hydrogen

– reactions of acids with alkalis to produce a salt plus water

– what catalysts do.

Zip grade assessment















Topic 9:

Plant and plant reproduction



Learning question: Do plants have offspring?


Key knowledge:

-Seed dispersal


-Flower structure

-Adaptation of plants

– Cells*

Energy stores in seeds*

-Parts of the plant


-Food production*

-Food webs and chains*

National curriculum coverage:

– reproduction in plants,

– including flower structure

-wind and insect pollination,

– fertilisation, seed and fruit formation and dispersal, including quantitative investigation of some dispersal mechanisms.

Zip grade assessment

Overarching topic test













































Topic 10:

Sound waves


Learning question:

Does sound travel through all materials?


Key knowledge:






-Reading sound wave diagrams


-Transfer of sound between mediums*


National curriculum coverage:

-frequencies of sound waves, measured in hertz (Hz); echoes, reflection and absorption of sound

-sound needs a medium to travel, the speed of sound in air, in water, in solids

– sound produced by vibrations of objects, in loud speakers, detected by their effects on microphone diaphragm and the ear drum; sound waves are longitudinal

-auditory range of humans and animals.

-pressure waves transferring energy; use for cleaning and physiotherapy by ultra-sound; waves transferring information for conversion to electrical signals by microphone.










Animals get their energy from plants and other animals.


The big idea of energy as a conserved, quantitative property of a changing system is a key curriculum link underlining many Science topics.


Energy is a fundamental principle in science and interleaves between all topics and areas of specialisms.


Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Plant and animal growth

Year 3: light, food chains, Year 4: sound, Electricity

Year 5: Living things

Year 6: Light and electricity

Objects are made of particles with mass. Understanding particles helps us to design our world and explain properties of different materials and their interaction when energy is introduced.



Forces make things change. Understanding forces helps us to predict and control physical change.


Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Materials and their properties

Year 3: Forces and states of matter

Year 5: Changes in materials and reversible changes


Life cycles of plant and animals.


Organisation of cells, tissues, and organs.


Organisms are made of cells which need energy to carry out life processes


To understand cells and the movement of substances, we first need to understand energy and diffusion*


Key stage 2 links:

Year 3: Animals; skeletal and nutrition.

Year 4: Digestion

Year 5: Living things.

Year 6: How to keep the body healthy.


Bulbs light in complete circuits.


The everyday world is a result of the flow of electrical charge transferring energy *


Atoms are a fundamental principal of science, and we need to understand matter before we introduce elements.



Key stage 2 links:

Year 2- Materials

Year 3: Animals; skeletal and nutrition.

Year 4: Simple circuits, conduction and insulation, components

Year 5: Changes in materials; groups and hardness, ne materials

Year 6: Electricity, Voltage, symbols and series circuits


Chemical reactions occur in cells and allow transfer of energy.


Recognising that energy changes can our when new substances are formed.*








Key stage 2 links:

Year 2- Materials, a plant’s needs,

Year 3: Plant structure and function, factors effecting growth.

Year 4: Changing environment.

Year 5: Changes in materials; groups and hardness, ne materials, Living things.

Year 6: Habitats, plant adaptations


Properties of waves and how particles interact and move between mediums.













Key stage 2 links:

Year 4: Pitch and vibrations



Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards and normalising error.

Pit stop quiz- using Zipgrade x 2


Formative assessment of Sc1 skills in topic 2.



End of topic test- Summarising both topics.



Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards and normalising error.

Pit stop quiz- using Zipgrade x 2


Formative assessment opportunities of Sc1 skills in both topics.


End of topic test- Summarising both topics

Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards and normalising error.

Pit stop quiz- using Zipgrade x 2


Formative assessment opportunities of Sc1 skills in both topics.


End of topic test- Summarising both topics




Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards and normalising error.

Pit stop quiz- using Zipgrade x 2


Formative assessment opportunities of Sc1 skills in both topics.


End of topic test- Summarising both topics




Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards and normalising error.

Pit stop quiz- using Zipgrade x 2


Formative assessment opportunities of Sc1 skills in both topics.


End of topic test- Summarising both topics







Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards and normalising error.

Pit stop quiz- using Zipgrade x 2


Formative assessment opportunities of Sc1 skills in both topics.


End of topic test- Summarising both topics




Year HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6





Topic 1:




Learning question: 

‘Where does electricity come from?’


Key knowledge: 

-Parallel circuits

-Series circuits



-Voltages and current *

-electric current

National curriculum coverage:

-measured in amperes, in circuits, series and parallel circuits, currents add where branches meet and current as flow of charge

-potential difference, measured in volts, battery and bulb ratings; resistance, measured in ohms, as the ratio of potential difference (p.d.) to current

-differences in resistance between conducting and insulating components (quantitative)





Extended Writing Opportunity (EWO)





Topic 2:

Energy transfer and work


Learning question:

What does it mean to ‘do work’ and to ‘conserve energy’?


Key knowledge:  

That energy can be transferred between stores in several different mechanisms.




National curriculum coverage:

-comparing power ratings of appliances in watts (W, kW)

-comparing amounts of energy transferred (J, kJ, kW hour)

-domestic fuel bills, fuel use and costs

-fuels and energy resources.

-heating and thermal equilibrium:

-temperature difference between two objects leading to energy transfer from the hotter to the cooler one, through contact (conduction) or radiation; such transfers tending to reduce the temperature difference: use of insulators

-changes with temperature in motion and spacing of particles

-internal energy stored in materials








Overarching topic test





Topic 3:

Chemical Reactions and Energetics


Learning question: 

How is energy transferred in a chemical reaction?


 Key knowledge:  


-Reactions of metals and non-metals

-Exothermic and endothermic reactions

-Displacement reactions.

National curriculum coverage:

-chemical reactions as the rearrangement of atoms

-Representing chemical reactions using formulae and using equations

-combustion, thermal decomposition, oxidation and displacement reactions

-defining acids and alkalis in terms of neutralisation reactions

– the pH scale for measuring acidity/alkalinity; and indicators

-reactions of acids with metals to produce a salt plus hydrogen

-reactions of acids with alkalis to produce a salt plus water

-what catalysts do












Extended Writing Opportunity (EWO)






Topic 4:

Organ Systems (and Cells)


Learning question: 

How do organ systems interact?



Key knowledge:  




-gas exchange.

National curriculum coverage:

content of a healthy human diet: carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and water, and why each is needed

-calculations of energy requirements in a healthy daily diet

-the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation and deficiency diseases

-the tissues and organs of the human digestive system, including adaptations to function and how the digestive system digests food (enzymes simply as biological catalysts)

-the structure and functions of the gas exchange system in humans, including adaptations to function

– the mechanism of breathing to move air in and out of the lungs, using a pressure model to explain the movement of gases, including simple measurements of lung volume

-the impact of exercise, asthma and smoking on the human gas exchange system

– the effects of recreational drugs (including substance misuse) on behaviour, health and life processes.






Overarching topic test


Topic 5:

Matter (and Separating Mixtures)


Learning question:

How are different mixtures separated?


Key knowledge:  

-Atoms, elements and compounds

-Mixtures and the periodic table.

National curriculum coverage:

– a simple (Dalton) atomic model

-differences between atoms, elements and compounds

-chemical symbols and formulae for elements and compounds

-conservation of mass changes of state and chemical reactions.

-the concept of a pure substance

– mixtures, including dissolving

-diffusion in terms of the particle model

-simple techniques for separating mixtures: filtration, evaporation, distillation and chromatography

– the identification of pure substances.

-the differences in arrangements, in motion and in closeness of particles -explaining changes of state, shape and density; the anomaly of ice-water transition

-atoms and molecules as particles


Extended Writing Opportunity (EWO)






Topic 6: Forces, Pressure and Motion (and Space)


Learning question:

How do resultant forces affect physical changes?



Key knowledge: 



-Pressure and motion

National curriculum coverage:

-Gravity and the start and end of the universe.

-forces as pushes or pulls, arising from the interaction between two objects

-using force arrows in diagrams, adding forces in one dimension, balanced and unbalanced forces

-moment as the turning effect of a force

-forces: associated with deforming objects; stretching and squashing – springs; with rubbing and friction between surfaces, with pushing things out of the way; resistance to motion of air and water

-forces measured in newtons, measurements of stretch or compression as force is changed


-Force-extension linear relation; Hooke’s Law as a special case

– work done and energy changes on deformation





























Topic 7: Human and plant reproduction.



Learning question:

How do humans reproduce?



Key knowledge:  

– Adolescence

-Reproductive systems, -Fertilisation

-Foetal development and menstrual cycle.

National curriculum coverage:

-Reproduction in humans (as an example of a mammal), including the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems, menstrual cycle (without details of hormones), gametes, fertilisation, gestation and birth, to include the effect of maternal lifestyle on the foetus through the placenta

-reproduction in plants, including flower structure

– wind and insect pollination

fertilisation, seed and fruit formation and dispersal, including quantitative investigation of some dispersal mechanisms.















Extended Writing Opportunity (EWO)





Topic 8: Waves


Learning question:

What is a wave?




Key knowledge:  



-Properties of light

-Properties of sound

National curriculum coverage:

– frequencies of sound waves, measured in hertz (Hz); echoes, reflection and absorption of sound

– sound needs a medium to travel, the speed of sound in air, in water, in solids

– sound produced by vibrations of objects, in loud speakers, detected by their effects on microphone diaphragm and the ear drum; sound waves are longitudinal

– auditory range of humans and animals.

-the similarities and differences between light waves and waves in matter

– light waves travelling through a vacuum; speed of light

-the transmission of light through materials: absorption, diffuse scattering and specular reflection at a surface Science – key stage 3 12

– use of ray model to explain imaging in mirrors, the pinhole camera, the refraction of light and action of convex lens in focusing (qualitative); the human eye

-light transferring energy from source to absorber leading to chemical and electrical effects; photo-sensitive material in the retina and in cameras

– colours and the different frequencies of light, white light and prisms (qualitative only); differential colour effects in absorption and diffuse reflection.


Overarching topic test






Topic 9:




Learning question:

How do humans impact the Earth?


Key knowledge:  

The carbon cycle

-Climate change and recycling.

National curriculum coverage:

-The composition of the Earth

-the structure of the Earth -the rock cycle and the formation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

-Earth as a source of limited resources and the efficacy of recycling            -carbon cycle

– the composition of the atmosphere

– the production of carbon dioxide by human activity and the impact on climate.
























Extended Writing Opportunity (EWO)




Topic 10:

Inheritance (and Variation)


Learning question:

How do genetics cause variation?


Key knowledge:  

Natural selection


-DNA and genetics.

heredity as the process by which genetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next

National curriculum coverage:


– a simple model of chromosomes, genes and DNA in heredity, including the part played by Watson, Crick, Wilkins and Franklin in the development of the DNA model

– differences between species

-the variation between individuals within a species being continuous or discontinuous, to include measurement and graphical representation of variation

– the variation between species and between individuals of the same species means some organisms compete more successfully, which can drive natural selection

-changes in the environment may leave individuals within a species, and some entire species, less well adapted to compete successfully and reproduce, which in turn may lead to extinction

-the importance of maintaining biodiversity and the use of gene banks to preserve hereditary material.

















Topic 11:

Photosynthesis and Respiration


Learning question:

How do organisms transfer energy?


Key knowledge  

-Limitations of photosynthesis

-Energy transfer in living things

-Sites of respiration and photosynthesis

National curriculum coverage:

-the reactants in, and products of, photosynthesis, and a word summary for photosynthesis

– the dependence of almost all life on Earth on the ability of photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae, to use sunlight in photosynthesis to build organic molecules that are an essential energy store and to maintain levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

– the adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis.


Aerobic and anaerobic respiration in living organisms, including the breakdown of organic molecules to enable all the other chemical processes necessary for life

– a word summary for aerobic respiration

– the process of anaerobic respiration in humans and micro-organisms, including fermentation, and a word summary for anaerobic respiration

– the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration in terms of the reactants, the products formed and the implications for the organism.


Extended Writing Opportunity (EWO)


Topic 12:



Learning question:

What is an electromagnet?




Key knowledge:


– Current

– Electromagnets and the Motor Effect.


End of Year Revision and Assessment




Build on and revisit

Y7 Energy Stores, Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions


Energy is a key big idea in Science.









Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Plant and animal growth

Year 3: light, food chains Year 4: sound, Electricity

Year 5: Living things

Year 6: Electricity








Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Cells and Human Systems


Energy is transferred during chemical reactions.

Organisms are made of cells which need an energy to carry out life processes.






Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Plant and animals

Year 3: Plants- Function and structure

Year 4: Animal structure and processes (digestion)

Year 5: Living things, Properties of materials, reversible and irreversible changes.


Y7 Matter and Separating Mixtures, Y7 Forces, Y7 Earth in Space


Objects are made of particles with mass. Understanding particles helps us to explain our world. Understanding forces helps us to predict and control physical change and explain our position in the universe.



Key stage 2 links:

Year 3: Forces

Year 4: Matter

Year 5: Groups, Change in

materials, forces.


Y7 Human Reproduction. Light and sound help us to communicate.


Genetic information is passed from one generation to the next. Waves radiate information allowing communication.






Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Animals and offspring

Year 3: Light

Year 4: Sound and vibrations

Year 5: Human life cycle

Year 6: Evolution and inheritance, animals including humans, travelling light

Y7 Earth in Space, Y7 Human Reproduction.


Humans are affecting the carbon cycle and causing climate change. Genetic information and the environment affect features and growth of organisms.






Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Animal and offspring, habitats

Year 3: light, food chains

Year 5: Human life cycle, earth and space

Year 6: Evolution and inheritance

Y7 Plants and Ecosystems, Y7 Electricity.


Organisms transfer energy via chemical reactions. The everyday world is a result of the flow of electrical charge transferring energy.







Key stage 2 links:

Year 2: Plant growth

Year 3: Plants structure and functions

Year 4: Environmental change and plant adaptations, Forces and magnets

Year 5: Living things, plant reproduction, forces.

Year 6: Classifications, evolution and adaptation



Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’


End of topic tests- TAMS Kerboodle


Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’


End of topic tests- TAMS Kerboodle




Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’


End of topic tests- TAMS Kerboodle




Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’


End of topic tests- TAMS Kerboodle




Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’


End of topic tests- TAMS Kerboodle



Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’


End of topic tests- TAMS Kerboodle

















Topic 1:

Photosynthesis and Respiration


Learning question: How do organisms gain energy to live?


Key knowledge: 

-Factors that affect the rate of reaction

-Word equations



National curriculum coverage:

– the reactants in, and products of, photosynthesis, and a word summary for photosynthesis

– the dependence of almost all life on Earth on the ability of photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae, to use sunlight in photosynthesis to build organic molecules that are an essential energy store and to maintain levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

– the adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis.


Aerobic and anaerobic respiration in living organisms, including the breakdown of organic molecules to enable all the other chemical processes necessary for life

– a word summary for aerobic respiration

– the process of anaerobic respiration in humans and micro-organisms, including fermentation, and a word summary for anaerobic respiration

– the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration in terms of the reactants, the products formed and the implications for the organism.



Extended writing opportunity (EWO)


Topic 2:

Electricity and Electromagnets


Learning question:

How does a current carrying wire induce a force?


Key Knowledge:


-Potential difference


-Electric and magnetic fields

-Motors (simple)

National curriculum coverage:


-magnetic poles, attraction and repulsion

-magnetic fields by plotting with compass, representation by field lines

-Earth’s magnetism, compass and navigation

-The magnetic effect of a current, electromagnets, DC motors (principles only)


Topic 3:

Health and Disease



Learning question: 

What is health?




Key knowledge:  




-Communicable diseases

-Diet and exercise.


National curriculum coverage:

-The content of a healthy human diet: carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and water, and why each is needed

-calculations of energy requirements in a healthy daily diet

-the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation and deficiency diseases

-the tissues and organs of the human digestive system, including adaptations to function and how the digestive system digests food (enzymes simply as biological catalysts)




Extended writing opportunity (EWO)















Topic 4:

 Food webs and chains


Learning question: How do organisms rely on each other?


Key knowledge:


-Transfer of energy*


National curriculum coverage:


the interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem, including food webs and insect pollinated crops

– the importance of plant reproduction through insect pollination in human food security

-how organisms affect, and are affected by, their environment, including the accumulation of toxic materials




Topic 5:

Reactivity Series



Learning question:

What is the reactivity series?



Key knowledge:

-Structure of atoms

-Chemical reactions

-Acid-base reactions

-Reactivity series

-Displacement reactions



National curriculum coverage:

-the order of metals and carbon in the reactivity series

– the use of carbon in obtaining metals from metal oxides

-properties of ceramics, polymers and composites (qualitative).








Topic 6

Practical Science Skills

Learning question: 

How do you conduct a scientific investigation?


Key knowledge:  

Analysis of data

Method writing

Interpreting data

National curriculum coverage:


Asking scientific questions, planning investigation, recording, analysing an evaluating data.

pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility

-understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review

-evaluate risks

-ask questions and develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience

-make predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding

-select, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of scientific enquiries to test predictions, including identifying independent, dependent and control variables

National curriculum coverage:


-use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork and laboratory work, paying attention to health and safety

make and record observations and measurements using a range of methods for different investigations; and evaluate the reliability of methods and suggest possible improvements

apply sampling techniques

understand and use SI units and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) chemical nomenclature

use and derive simple equations and carry out appropriate calculations

undertake basic data analysis including simple statistical techniques

Overarching topic test


Topic 7


Learning question:

How do we gain energy from food?


Key knowledge:

-Energy transfer

Conversion of kJ into J

National curriculum coverage:


-The content of a healthy human diet: carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and water, and why each is needed

-calculations of energy requirements in a healthy daily diet

-the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation and deficiency diseases

-the tissues and organs of the human digestive system, including adaptations to function and how the digestive system digests food (enzymes simply as biological catalysts)

-the importance of bacteria in the human digestive system

plants making carbohydrates in their leaves by photosynthesis and gaining mineral nutrients and water from the soil via their roots


Topic 8:

Atomic Structure

Learning question:

Why is the atom a fundamental chemical building block?


Key knowledge:  

-Atom history and structure

 -Chemical equations

-Ions and isotopes

-Electronic configuration.


 National curriculum coverage:

-a simple (Dalton) atomic model

-differences between atoms, elements and compounds

-chemical symbols and formulae for elements and compounds

-conservation of mass changes of state and chemical reactions

-the varying physical and chemical properties of different elements

-the principles underpinning the Mendeleev periodic table

-the periodic table: periods and groups; metals and non-metals

-how patterns in reactions can be predicted with reference to the periodic table

-the properties of metals and non-metals

-the chemical properties of metal and non-metal oxides with respect to acidity.










Topic 9:

Conservation and Dissipation of Energy


Learning question:

How is energy stored and transferred?

Key knowledge:  

-Energy stores

-Energy transfers

-Work done

-Gravitational store

-Kinetic Store

-Elastic store



National curriculum coverage:

-energy changes on changes of state (qualitative)

-comparing energy values of different foods (from labels) (kJ)

metabolism of food, burning fuels.

-energy as a quantity that can be quantified and calculated; the total energy has the same value before and after a change



Topic 10:

Cells and Transport

Learning question:

What are living organisms made of?


Key knowledge:  


-Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

-Animal and plant cells


-Diffusion, osmosis, active transport and exchanging materials


National curriculum coverage:

-cells as the fundamental unit of living organisms, including how to observe, interpret and record cell structure using a light microscope

-the functions of the cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuole, mitochondria and chloroplasts

-the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells

-the role of diffusion in the movement of materials in and between cells

-the structural adaptations of some unicellular organisms

-the hierarchical organisation of multicellular organisms: from cells to tissues to organs to systems to organisms












Y7 Electricity, Y8 Electricity and Electromagnets

The everyday world is a result of the flow of electrical charge transferring energy.

Y7 Cells and Human Systems, Y8 Organ Systems

Organisms must stay in good health to survive and thrive; health results from interactions with the body, behaviour, environment and other organisms.


Year 7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Chemical Reactions

Objects are made of particles with mass. Understanding particles helps us to design our world and explain properties of different materials and chemical reactions.

Y7 Lab Safety

Key scientific principles of investigation are important to understanding the validity of scientific theories.

Y7 Matter and Separating Mixtures, Y8 Matter, Y7 Energy Stores, Y8 Energy Transfer and Work


Y7 Cells and Human Systems, Y8 Organ Systems, Y9 Health and Disease




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Overarching topic test



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Overarching topic test




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Extended writing opportunity (EWO)



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Overarching topic test




KS4 Combined Sciences Curriculum









10 Biology Combined




Topic 1:

B2 Cell Division and stem cells

Learning question: 

Why do cells divide?

Key knowledge:

Mitosis, stem cells, stem cell therapy and ethics, differentiation and specialisation.

National curriculum links:

-The fundamental units of living organisms are cells, which may be part of highly adapted structures including tissues, organs and organ systems, enabling life processes to be performed more effectively

-Cells as the basic structural unit of all organisms; adaptations of cells related to their functions; the main sub-cellular structures of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

-stem cells in animals and meristems in plants

End of unit test

Topic 2:

B3 Organisation and digestive system

Learning question:

How do enzymes enable digestion?

Key knowledge:

tissues and organs, the digestive system, enzymes  

National curriculum links:


-Factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions

-The importance of cellular respiration; the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration -Carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids as key biological molecules.

End of unit test



 Topic 3:

B4 Organising animals and plants.

Learning question:

How does the cardiovascular system work?

How are plants organised? 

Key knowledge:  

Composition of blood, structure and function of heart and blood vessels, heart disease and treatment, the respiratory system, plant tissues and transpiration.

 National curriculum links:

-the need for transport systems in multicellular organisms, including plants -the relationship between the structure and functions of the human circulatory system.

End of unit test

Topic 4

B5 Communicable disease

Learning question:

How do pathogens cause disease?

Key knowledge:  

Human health, pathogens, viral, bacterial, fungal and protist diseases, primary and secondary immune response.


National curriculum links:

-The relationship between health and disease

-Communicable diseases including sexually transmitted infections in humans (including HIV/AIDs)

-Bacteria, viruses and fungi as pathogens in animals and plants

-Body defences against pathogens and the role of the immune system against disease

-Reducing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases in animals and plants

-The process of discovery and development of new medicines

End of unit test



 Topic 5

B6 Preventing and treating disease.

Learning question:

How do we treat and prevent pathogenic diseases?

Key knowledge:  Vaccines, function of antibiotics and painkillers, discovering and developing drugs

National curriculum links:

the process of discovery and development of new medicines

-the relationship between health and disease

-Communicable diseases including sexually transmitted infections in humans (including HIV/AIDs)

-the process of discovery and development of new medicines

End of unit test


Topic 6:

B7 Non-communicable disease

Learning question:

How can lifestyle lead to disease?

Key knowledge:


-Risk factors.


National curriculum links:

-non-communicable diseases

-the process of discovery and development of new medicines

End of unit test
















 Topic 7

B8 Photosynthesis

Learning question:

How do plants make and use glucose?

Key knowledge:  

Photosynthesis equation, rates, leaf adaptations, uses of glucose, photosynthesis required practical.

National curriculum links:

-Photosynthesis as the key process for food production and therefore biomass for life

-The process of photosynthesis

-Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis

End of unit test





 Topic 8:

B9 Respiration

Learning question:

Why do organisms respire?

Key knowledge: 

Respiration equation in animals, plants and yeast (aerobic and anaerobic), response to exercise, metabolism.

National curriculum links:

factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions

-The importance of cellular respiration; the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration

End of unit test





 Topic 9

B9 Human Nervous System

Learning question:

What is the difference between a voluntary and involuntary response? 

Key Knowledge:

Receptors, coordinated response and

National curriculum links:

-Principles of nervous coordination and control in humans

-The relationship between the structure and function of the human nervous system

-The relationship between structure and function in a reflex arc

End of unit test








Building and revisiting

Y7 Cells and human systems, Y8 Organ systems, Y9 Health and disease

Y7 Plants and ecosystems, Y8 organ systems, &9 Health and disease

Y9 Health and Disease

Y9 Health and Disease

Y7 Plants and Ecosystems, Y8 Respiration and Photosynthesis


Y7 Cells and Human Systems, Y8 Respiration and Photosynthesis



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10 Chemistry Combined




Topic 1:

C2 Periodic Table

Learning question:

What information can the periodic table tell us?


Key knowledge: 

History of the periodic table, electronic structures, alkali metals, Halogens, explaining trends.

National curriculum links:

-A simple model of the atom consisting of the nucleus and electrons, relative atomic mass, electronic charge and isotopes

-The number of particles in a given mass of a substance Science – key stage 4 12

-The modern Periodic Table, showing elements arranged in order of atomic number

-Position of elements in the Periodic Table in relation to their atomic structure and arrangement of outer electrons

-Properties and trends in properties of elements in the same group -Characteristic properties of metals and non-metals

-Chemical reactivity of elements in relation to their position in the Periodic Table.


 Topic 2:

C3 Structure and bonding

Learning question:

How are different substance bonded and how does that effect the properties? 

Key knowledge: 

States of matter, ionic bonding and structures, covalent bonding and structures, metallic bonding and structures.

National curriculum links:

-Changes of state of matter in terms of particle kinetics, energy transfers and the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces

-Types of chemical bonding: ionic, covalent, and metallic -Bulk properties of materials related to bonding and intermolecular forces

-Bonding of carbon leading to the vast array of natural and synthetic organic compounds that occur due to the ability of carbon to form families of similar compounds, chains and rings

-Structures, bonding and properties of diamond, graphite, fullerenes and graphene.

End of unit test


 Topic 3:

C5 Chemical Changes

Learning question:

How do substances react to make a salt?


Key knowledge:

Reactivity series, displacement reactions, extracting metals, making salts, pH and neutralisation. Strong and weak acids.

National curriculum links:-Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative)

-Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles (qualitative).

-Determination of empirical formulae from the ratio of atoms of different kinds -Balanced chemical equations, ionic equations and state symbols

-Identification of common gases

-The chemistry of acids; reactions with some metals and carbonates

-pH as a measure of hydrogen ion concentration and its numerical scale

End of unit test


 Topic 4:

C6 Electrolysis

Learning question:

How can reactive metals be extracted from their ores?


Key knowledge:

 Electrolysis of molten and solutions. Extraction of aluminium.

National curriculum links:

-Electrolysis of molten ionic liquids and aqueous ionic solutions

-Reduction and oxidation in terms of loss or gain of oxygen.

End of unit test




Topic 5:

C4 Chemical Calculations

Learning question:

How do we calculate amounts with such tiny atoms?

Key knowledge: 

Relative masses and moles, balancing equations and masses, concentrations, percentage of atoms.

National curriculum links:

-Distinguishing between pure and impure substances

-Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation

 -Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations

-Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent.

End of unit test




Topic 6:

C7 energy Changes

Learning question:

How does energy change in a chemical reaction.


Key knowledge:

 Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Reaction profiles. Bond energy calculations.  

National curriculum links: -Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative)

-Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles (qualitative).


End of Year Revision and Assessment


Building and revisiting

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y10 Atomic Structure.


Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Matter, Y10 Molecules and Matter.

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity series, Y9 P1, Y10 C3.

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y9 Electricity and Electromagnets, Y10 C3.

Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y10 C5.


Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y10 P3.




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Mocks Paper 1



10 Physics Combined




Topic 1:

 P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy

Learning question: 

P1 How is energy stored and transferred?

Key knowledge:  

Energy stores

Energy transfers

Work done

Gravitational store

Kinetic Store

Elastic store




National curriculum links:

-Energy changes in a system involving heating, doing work using forces, or doing work using an electric current: calculating the stored energies and energy changes involved

-Power as the rate of transfer of energy

-Conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation -Calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers

End of unit test


 Topic 2:

P2 Energy Transfer by Heating

 Learning question: 

How can we calculate the energy needed to heat an object?


Key knowledge:  




Specific heat capacity


National curriculum links:

-Energy changes in a system involving heating

– Conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation

End of unit test




Topic 3:

P3 Energy resources

Learning question: 

How can we compare different renewable energy

Key knowledge:

Energy demands

Energy from wind and water

Power from the Sun and the Earth

Energy and the environment

Big energy issues

National curriculum links:

-Calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers

-Renewable and non-renewable energy sources used on Earth

-Changes in how these are used.

End of unit test


 Topic 4:

P4 Electric Circuits

Learning question:

What is an electric current and how do series and parallel circuits differ?

Key knowledge:  

Potential difference and resistance

Component characteristics

Series circuits

Parallel circuits

Alternating current

National curriculum links:

-forces and fields: electrostatic, magnetic, gravity

-Measuring resistance using p.d. and current measurements

– Exploring current, resistance and voltage relationships for different circuit elements; including their graphical representations

-Quantity of charge flowing as the product of current and time Science – key stage 4 16

-Drawing circuit diagrams; exploring equivalent resistance for resistors in series

-The domestic a.c. supply; live, neutral and earth mains wires, safety measures

-Power transfer related to p.d. and current, or current and resistance.



End of unit test




Topic 5:

P5 Electric in the Home

Learning question:

How is electricity transferred to our homes?

Key knowledge: 

Cables and plugs

Electrical power and potential difference

Electrical currents and energy transfer

Appliances and efficiency

National curriculum links:

-The domestic a.c. supply; live, neutral and earth mains wires, safety measures

-Power transfer related to p.d. and current, or current and resistance.

-Power as the rate of transfer of energy

-Conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation

-Calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers


End of unit test




 Topic 6:

 Molecules and Matter

Learning question:

 How does particle arrangement affect density, temperature and pressure?

Key knowledge:  


States of matter

Changes of state

Internal energy

Specific latent heat

Gas pressure and temperature

National curriculum links:

– models of arrangements and motions of the molecules in solid, liquid and gas phases to their densities

-Melting, evaporation, and sublimation as reversible changes

-Calculating energy changes involved on heating, using specific heat capacity; and those involved in changes of state, using specific latent heat

-Links between pressure and temperature of a gas at constant volume, related to the motion of its particles (qualitative).

End of unit test



Topic 7:


Learning question:

What are atoms, isotopes and radioactive substances?

Key knowledge:  

Atoms and radiation

The discovery of the nucleus

Changes in the nucleus

alpha, beta, and gamma radiation

Activity and half-life

National curriculum links:

-Radioactive nuclei: emission of alpha or beta particles, neutrons, or gamma rays, related to changes in the nuclear mass and/or charge -Radioactive materials, half-life, irradiation, contamination and their associated hazardous effects, waste disposal -Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and our Sun’s energy

End of unit test






Topic 8:

Forces in Balance

Learning question:

P8 How do we represent a force and work out a resultant force?

Key knowledge:  

Vectors and scalars

Forces between objects

Resultant forces

Centre of mass

The parallelogram of forces

Resolution of forces

National curriculum links:

-Speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts

-Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed -Acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law -Weight and gravitational field strength

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety


Mocks Paper 1




Building and revisiting

Y7 Energy Stores, Y8 Energy Transfer and Work, Y9 P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy

Y7 Energy Stores, Y8 Energy Transfer and Work, Y9 P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy

Y7 Electricity, Y9 Electricity and Electromagnetism

Y7 Nature of Matter, Y8 Matter


Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 C1 Atomic Structure, Y10 C1 Atomic Structure

Y7 Forces and Motion, Y8 Forces, Motion and Pressure



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Mocks Paper 1










Topic 1

B10 Human Nervous System

Learning question:

What is the difference between a voluntary and involuntary response? 

Key Knowledge:

Receptors, coordinated response and

National curriculum links:


-Hormone control

-Principles of nervous coordination and control in humans

-The relationship between the structure and function of the human nervous system -The relationship between structure and function in a reflex arc

End of unit test


Topic 2:

B11 Hormonal Coordination

Key question: How does the body coordinate a response to stimulus?



Key knowledge: 

Hormonal changes 

National curriculum links:


End of unit test



Topic 3:

B13 Reproduction

Learning question:

Are there different types of reproduction?

Key knowledge-

-Hormone control

-Menstrual cycle

National curriculum links:

-Hormones in human reproduction, hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception

End of unit test




 Topic 5:

B14 Variation and evolution


Learning question:

Why do we look different?

Who is Darwin?

What is speciation?

Key knowledge:  

National curriculum links:

-The genome as the entire genetic material of an organism

-How the genome, and its interaction with the environment, influence the development of the phenotype of an organism

-Sex determination in humans

-Genetic variation in populations of a species

-The process of natural selection leading to evolution

– the evidence for evolution


Topic 5:

B15 Genetics and Evolution

Learning question:

How does evolution of antibiotic resistance support the theory of natural selection?


Key knowledge:  

Edward Wallace, Charles Darwin.

National curriculum links:

-Genetic variation in populations of a species

-The process of natural selection leading to evolution

– the evidence for evolution

End of unit test









Topic 6:

B16 Adaptations, interdependence, and competition

Learning question:

Do plants have survival mechanisms?

Key knowledge:

Mechanical, physical barriers 

National curriculum links:

-Living organisms may form populations of single species, communities of many species and ecosystems, interacting with each other, with the environment and with humans in many different ways

-Living organisms are interdependent and show adaptations to their environment

End of unit test


Topic 7:

B17 Organising an ecosystem.

Learning question:

How are we related to other organisms?

How do we survive?

Key knowledge: 

National curriculum links:

-Living organisms may form populations of single species, communities of many species and ecosystems, interacting with each other, with the environment and with humans in many different ways

-Living organisms are interdependent and show adaptations to their environment

End of unit test





Topic 8:
B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems


Learning question:

Why is biodiversity so important?

How do different organisms interact?

Key knowledge:  

The importance of conservation

The problems with global warming

National curriculum links:

-How materials cycle through abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems

-The role of microorganisms (decomposers) in the cycling of materials through an ecosystem -Organisms are interdependent and are adapted to their environment

-The importance of biodiversity

-Methods of identifying species and measuring distribution, frequency and abundance of species within a habitat

-Positive and negative human interactions with ecosystems.


 End of unit test





End of Year Revision and Assessment





KS3- How the body works

Ks3- Human reproduction

KS3- Variation

KS3 How do organisms interact

KS3- Global warming, food webs and chains



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Mocks Paper 1


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Mocks Paper 2


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Topic 1:

C8 Rates and Equilibrium

Learning question: 

What factors effect the rate of chemical reactions?

Key knowledge:  

-Factors that effect the rate

-Collision theory

-Reversible reactions


National curriculum links:

-The shapes of molecules (groups of atoms bonded together) and the way giant structures are arranged is of great importance in terms of the way they behave -Reactions can occur when molecules collide and do so at different rates due to differences in molecular collisions

 Topic 2:

C9 Crude oil and fuels

Learning question: 

What does crude oil consist of and how do we make it useful?

National curriculum links:

-Distinguishing between pure and impure substances -Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation

-Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations -Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent.

End of unit test




 Topic 3:

C12 Chemical analysis

Learning question:

How can chemists analyse mixtures.

Key knowledge: 

Pure substances and mixtures. Chromatography, testing for gases.

  National curriculum links:

-Distinguishing between pure and impure substances -Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation -Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations -Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent.

 End of unit test


 Topic 4:

C13 Earth’s atmosphere

Learning question:

How and why has the earths atmosphere changed over time?

Key knowledge: 

History and present atmosphere, greenhouse gases and climate change, pollution.

National curriculum links:

-Evidence for composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since its formation

-Evidence, and uncertainties in evidence, for additional anthropogenic causes of climate change

-Potential effects of, and mitigation of, increased levels of carbon dioxide and methane on the Earth’s climate

-Common atmospheric pollutants: sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates and their sources

End of unit test


Topic 5:

C14 Earth’s Resources

Learning question:

What resources are available to the earth? 

Key knowledge:  

Finite and renewable. Potable water. Waste water. Extracting metals. Lifecycle assessments. Recycling.

National curriculum links:

-The Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water.

-Life cycle assessment and recycling to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life -The viability of recycling of certain materials

 End of unit test


End of Year Revision and Assessment





Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series.

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y10 P3.

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y10 C3, Y10 Polymers, Y10 P3.

Y10 Organising ecosystems, Y10 Biodiversity. Y11 P14.

Y8 Earth.

GCSE Exams


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Topic 1:

P8 Forces in Balance

Learning question:

How do we represent a force and work out a resultant force?

Key knowledge:  

Vectors and scalars

Forces between objects

Resultant forces

Centre of mass

The parallelogram of forces

Resolution of forces

National curriculum links:


-Speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts

-Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed -Acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law -Weight and gravitational field strength

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety


End of unit test



Topic 2:

P9 Motion

Learning question:

What is acceleration?


Key knowledge: 

Speed and distance–time graphs

Velocity and acceleration

More about velocity–time graphs

National curriculum links:

National curriculum links:

-Forces as vectors

– speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts -Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety

End of unit test










 Topic 3:

P10 Force and Motion


Learning question:

How do resultant forces affect the motion of an object?


Key knowledge:

Analysing motion graphs

Forces and acceleration

Weight and terminal velocity

Forces and braking

Momentum (H)

Using conservation of momentum (H)

Impact forces (H)

Safety first(H)

Forces and elasticity

National curriculum links:

-Forces as vectors

– speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts -Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed

-Acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law

-Weight and gravitational field strength

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety

End of unit test



 Unit 4:

P12 Wave properties


Learning question:

 What is a wave?


Key knowledge:  

The nature of waves

The properties of waves

Reflection and refraction

More about waves

National curriculum links:

-Amplitude, wavelength, frequency, relating velocity to frequency and wavelength

-Transverse and longitudinal waves


End of unit test



Topic 5:

13 Electromagnetic waves

Learning question:

How are waves used in communications?

Key knowledge:

The electromagnetic spectrum

Light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves


Ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma rays

X-rays in medicine

National curriculum links:

-Amplitude, wavelength, frequency, relating velocity to frequency and wavelength

-Transverse and longitudinal waves -Electromagnetic waves, velocity in vacuum; waves transferring energy; wavelengths and frequencies from radio to gamma-rays

-Velocities differing between media: absorption, reflection, refraction effects -Production and detection, by electrical circuits, or by changes in atoms and nuclei -Uses in the radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X-ray and gammaray regions, hazardous effects on bodily tissues.

End of unit test



 Topic 6:

P15 Electromagnetism

Learning question:

What is a magnet and what is an electromagnet?

Key knowledge:  

Magnetic fields

Magnetic fields of electric current

The motor effect.

National curriculum links:

-Exploring the magnetic fields of permanent and induced magnets, and the Earth’s magnetic field, using a compass

-Magnetic effects of currents, how solenoids enhance the effect

-How transformers are used in the national grid and the reasons for their use.

End of unit test



Topic 7:








Mocks Paper 1



Y7 Forces and Motion, Y8 Forces, Motion and Pressure

Y7 Forces and Motion, Y8 Forces, Motion and Pressure

Y9 Waves

Y9 Electricity and Electromagnets




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Mocks Paper 1



KS4 Separate Sciences Curriculum

Separate Sciences








10 Biology Triple




Topic 1:

B2 Cell Division and stem cells

Learning question: 

Why do cells divide?

Key knowledge:

Mitosis, stem cells, stem cell therapy and ethics, differentiation, and specialisation.

National curriculum links:

-The fundamental units of living organisms are cells, which may be part of highly adapted structures including tissues, organs and organ systems, enabling life processes to be performed more effectively

-Cells as the basic structural unit of all organisms; adaptations of cells related to their functions; the main sub-cellular structures of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

-stem cells in animals and meristems in plants

End of unit test


Topic 2:

B3 Organisation and digestive system

Learning question:

How do enzymes enable digestion?

Key knowledge:

tissues and organs, the digestive system, enzymes  

National curriculum links:


-Factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions

-The importance of cellular respiration; the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration -Carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids as key biological molecules.

End of unit test



 Topic 3:

B4 Organising animals and plants.

Learning question:

How does the cardiovascular system work?

How are plants organised? 

Key knowledge:  

Composition of blood, structure and function of heart and blood vessels, heart disease and treatment, the respiratory system, plant tissues and transpiration.

 National curriculum links:

-the need for transport systems in multicellular organisms, including plants -the relationship between the structure and functions of the human circulatory system.

End of unit test



Topic 4

B5 Communicable disease

Learning question:

How do pathogens cause disease?

Key knowledge:  

Human health, pathogens, viral, bacterial, fungal and protist diseases, primary and secondary immune response.

National curriculum links:

-The relationship between health and disease

-Communicable diseases including sexually transmitted infections in humans (including HIV/AIDs)

-Bacteria, viruses and fungi as pathogens in animals and plants

-Body defences against pathogens and the role of the immune system against disease

-Reducing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases in animals and plants

-The process of discovery and development of new medicines

End of unit test



Topic 5

B6 Preventing and treating disease.

Learning question:

How do we treat and prevent pathogenic diseases?

Key knowledge:  

Vaccines, function of antibiotics and painkillers, discovering and developing drugs

National curriculum links:

-the process of discovery and development of new medicines

-the relationship between health and disease

-Communicable diseases including sexually transmitted infections in humans (including HIV/AIDs)

-the process of discovery and development of new medicines

End of unit test




Topic 6:

B7 Non-communicable disease

Learning question:

How can lifestyle lead to disease?

Key knowledge:


-Risk factors.

National curriculum links:

-non-communicable diseases

-the process of discovery and development of new medicines

End of unit test



Topic 7

B8 Photosynthesis

Learning question:

How do plants make and use glucose?

Key knowledge:  

Photosynthesis equation, rates, leaf adaptations, uses of glucose, photosynthesis required practical.

National curriculum links:

-Photosynthesis as the key process for food production and therefore biomass for life

-The process of photosynthesis

-Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis

End of unit test



 Topic 8:

B9 Respiration

Learning question:

Why do organisms respire?

Key knowledge: 

Respiration equation in animals, plants and yeast (aerobic and anaerobic), response to exercise, metabolism.

National curriculum links:

factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions

-The importance of cellular respiration; the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration

End of unit test





 B9 Human Nervous System

Learning question:

What is the difference between a voluntary and involuntary response? 

Key knowledge: 

Receptors, coordinated response and control

National curriculum links:

-Principles of nervous coordination and control in humans

-The relationship between the structure and function of the human nervous system

-The relationship between structure and function in a reflex arc

End of unit test







End of Year Revision and Assessment



Building and revisiting

Y7 Cells and human systems, Y8 Organ systems, Y9 Health and disease

Y7 Plants and ecosystems, Y8 Organ systems, Y9 Health and disease

Y9 Health and disease

Y9 Health and disease

Y7 Plants and ecosystems, Y8 Respiration and photosynthesis

Y7 Cells and human systems, Y8 Respiration and photosynthesis




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Mocks Paper 1



10 Chemistry Triple




Topic 1:

C2 Periodic Table

Learning question:

What information can the periodic table tell us?


Key knowledge: 

History of the periodic table, electronic structures, alkali metals, Halogens, explaining trends.

National curriculum links:

A simple model of the atom consisting of the nucleus and electrons, relative atomic mass, electronic charge and isotopes

-The number of particles in a given mass of a substance Science – key stage 4 12

-The modern Periodic Table, showing elements arranged in order of atomic number

-Position of elements in the Periodic Table in relation to their atomic structure and arrangement of outer electrons

-Properties and trends in properties of elements in the same group -Characteristic properties of metals and non-metals

-Chemical reactivity of elements in relation to their position in the Periodic Table.


End of unit test



 Topic 2:

C3 Structure and bonding

Learning question:

How are different substance bonded and how does that effect the properties? 

Key knowledge: 

States of matter, ionic bonding and structures, covalent bonding and structures, metallic bonding and structures.

National curriculum links:

Changes of state of matter in terms of particle kinetics, energy transfers and the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces

-Types of chemical bonding: ionic, covalent, and metallic -Bulk properties of materials related to bonding and intermolecular forces

-Bonding of carbon leading to the vast array of natural and synthetic organic compounds that occur due to the ability of carbon to form families of similar compounds, chains and rings

-Structures, bonding and properties of diamond, graphite, fullerenes and graphene.



End of unit test


 Topic 3:

C5 Chemical Changes

Learning question:

How do substances react to make a salt?


Key knowledge:

Reactivity series, displacement reactions, extracting metals, making salts, pH and neutralisation. Strong and weak acids.

National curriculum links:

Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative)

-Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles (qualitative).

-Determination of empirical formulae from the ratio of atoms of different kinds -Balanced chemical equations, ionic equations and state symbols

-Identification of common gases

-The chemistry of acids; reactions with some metals and carbonates

-pH as a measure of hydrogen ion concentration and its numerical scale



End of unit test


 Topic 4:

C6 Electrolysis

Learning question:

How can reactive metals be extracted from their ores?


Key knowledge:

 Electrolysis of molten and solutions. Extraction of aluminium.

National curriculum links:

Electrolysis of molten ionic liquids and aqueous ionic solutions

-Reduction and oxidation in terms of loss or gain of oxygen.


End of unit test



Topic 5:

C4 Chemical Calculations

Learning question:

How do we calculate amounts with such tiny atoms?

Key knowledge: 

Relative masses and moles, balancing equations and masses, concentrations, percentage of atoms.

National curriculum links:

Distinguishing between pure and impure substances

-Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation

 -Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations

-Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent.

 End of unit test


Topic 6:

C7 energy Changes

Learning question:

How does energy change in a chemical reaction.


Key knowledge:

 Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Reaction profiles. Bond energy calculations.  

National curriculum links:

Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative)

-Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles (qualitative).



End of unit test


End of Year Revision and Assessment


Building and revisiting

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y10 Atomic Structure.


Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Matter, Y10 Molecules and Matter.

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity series, Y9 P1, Y10 C3.

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y9 Electricity and Electromagnets, Y10 C3.

Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y10 C5.


Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y10 P3.




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Mocks Paper 1




10 Physics Triple




Topic 1:

P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy

Learning question: 

How is energy stored and transferred?

Key knowledge:  

Energy stores




Work done

Elastic energy stores

Energy and efficiency

Electrical appliances

National curriculum links:

Energy changes in a system involving heating, doing work using forces, or doing work using an electric current: calculating the stored energies and energy changes involved

-Power as the rate of transfer of energy

-Conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation -Calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers


End of unit test


 Topic 2:

P2 Energy transfer by Heating

Learning question:

How can we calculate the energy needed to heat an object?

Key knowledge:  




Specific heat capacity

Insulation Energy demands

Energy from wind and water

Power from the Sun and the Earth

Energy and the environment

Big energy issues

National curriculum links:

Energy changes in a system involving heating

– Conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation


End of unit test

Topic 3:

P3 Energy Resources

Learning question: 

How can we compare different renewable energy resources?

Key knowledge:  

Energy demands

Energy from wind and water

Power from the Sun and the Earth

Energy and the environment

Big energy issues

National curriculum links:

Calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers

-Renewable and non-renewable energy sources used on Earth

-Changes in how these are used.

End of unit test


 Topic 4:

P4 Electric Circuits

Learning question:

What is an electric current and how do series and parallel circuits differ?

Key knowledge:  

Potential difference and resistance

Component characteristics

Series circuits

Parallel circuits

Alternating current

National curriculum links: forces and fields: electrostatic, magnetic, gravity

-Measuring resistance using p.d. and current measurements

– Exploring current, resistance and voltage relationships for different circuit elements; including their graphical representations

-Quantity of charge flowing as the product of current and time Science – key stage 4 16

-Drawing circuit diagrams; exploring equivalent resistance for resistors in series

-The domestic a.c. supply; live, neutral and earth mains wires, safety measures

-Power transfer related to p.d. and current, or current and resistance.


End of unit test




Topic 5:

P5 Electric in the Home

Learning question:

How is electricity transferred to our homes?

Key knowledge: 

Cables and plugs

Electrical power and potential difference

Electrical currents and energy transfer

Appliances and efficiency

National curriculum links:

models of arrangements and motions of the molecules in solid, liquid and gas phases to their densities

-Melting, evaporation, and sublimation as reversible changes

-Calculating energy changes involved on heating, using specific heat capacity; and those involved in changes of state, using specific latent heat

-Links between pressure and temperature of a gas at constant volume, related to the motion of its particles (qualitative).



 End of unit test




 Topic 6:

 Molecules and Matter

Learning question:

 How does particle arrangement affect density, temperature and pressure?

Key knowledge:  


States of matter

Changes of state

Internal energy

Specific latent heat

Gas pressure and temperature

National curriculum links:

Radioactive nuclei: emission of alpha or beta particles, neutrons, or gamma rays, related to changes in the nuclear mass and/or charge -Radioactive materials, half-life, irradiation, contamination and their associated hazardous effects, waste disposal -Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and our Sun’s energy


End of unit test




Topic 7:


Learning question:

What are atoms, isotopes and radioactive substances?

Key knowledge:  

Atoms and radiation

The discovery of the nucleus

Changes in the nucleus

alpha, beta, and gamma radiation

Activity and half-life

National curriculum links:

Radioactive nuclei: emission of alpha or beta particles, neutrons, or gamma rays, related to changes in the nuclear mass and/or charge -Radioactive materials, half-life, irradiation, contamination and their associated hazardous effects, waste disposal -Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and our Sun’s energy



End of unit test


Topic 8:

Forces in Balance

Learning question:

P8 How do we represent a force and work out a resultant force?

Key knowledge:  

Vectors and scalars

Forces between objects

Resultant forces

Centre of mass

The parallelogram of forces

Resolution of forces

National curriculum links:

Speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts

-Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed -Acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law -Weight and gravitational field strength

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety

End of unit test




Topic 9

P9 Motion

Learning question:

What is acceleration?


Key knowledge: 

Speed and distance–time graphs

Velocity and acceleration

More about velocity–time graphs

National curriculum links:

Speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts

-Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed -Acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law -Weight and gravitational field strength

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety

End of unit test




Topic 10:

P10 Force and Motion

Learning question:

How do resultant forces affect the motion of an object?


Key knowledge:

Analysing motion graphs

Forces and acceleration

Weight and terminal velocity

Forces and braking


Using conservation of momentum

Impact forces

Safety first

Forces and elasticity

National curriculum links:

Forces as vectors

– speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday contexts -Interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed

-Acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law

-Weight and gravitational field strength

-Decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety



End of unit test


End of Year Revision and Assessment


Building and revisiting

Y7 Energy Stores, Y8 Energy Transfer and Work, Y9 P1 Conservation and Dissipation of Energy

Y7 Energy Stores, Y8 Energy Transfer and Work

Y7 Electricity, Y9 Electricity and Electromagnetism

Y7 Nature of Matter, Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Matter, Y9 C1 Atomic Structure, Y10 C1 Atomic Structure

Y7 Forces and Motion, Y8 Forces, Motion and Pressure

Y7 Forces and Motion, Y8 Forces, Motion and Pressure



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Mini assessment quiz

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Mocks Paper 1




Year 11 Separate Sciences.








11 Biology Triple



Topic 1

B10 Human Nervous System

Learning question:

What is the difference between a voluntary and involuntary response? 

Key knowledge: 

Receptors, coordinated response and control

National curriculum links:

-Principles of nervous coordination and control in humans

-The relationship between the structure and function of the human nervous system -The relationship between structure and function in a reflex arc



Topic 2:

B11 Hormonal Coordination

Learning question:

How does the body coordinate a response to stimulus?

Key knowledge:

Hormonal changes


How the eye and brain works 

National curriculum links:

-Principles of hormonal coordination and control in humans

-Hormones in human reproduction, hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception

End of unit test


Topic 3:

B12 Homeostasis in Action

Learning question:How does homeostasis ensure the survival of the organism?

Key knowledge:  

How the kidneys respond to increased water levels

National curriculum links:


-Principles of hormonal coordination and control in humans

-Hormones in human reproduction, hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception


Topic 4:

B13 Reproduction

Learning question:

What hormones are involved in reproduction?

Key knowledge-

Ethical and moral dilemma’s of IVF

National curriculum links:

-Hormones in human reproduction, hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception

End of unit test



 Topic 5:
B14 Variation and evolution

Learning question:

Why do we look different?

Key knowledge:  

Wallace and Darwin


National curriculum links:


Topic 6:

B15 Genetics and Evolution

Learning question:

Who is Darwin?

What is speciation?

How does evolution of antibiotic resistance support the theory of natural selection?

Key knowledge:  


Edward Wallace, Charles Darwin.

Importance of peer review

National curriculum links:

-The process of natural selection leading to evolution Science – key stage 4 10

-The evidence for evolution -Developments in biology affecting classification

-The importance of selective breeding of plants and animals in agriculture -The uses of modern biotechnology including gene technology; some of the practical and ethical considerations of modern biotechnology.

End of unit test








Topic 7:

B16 Adaptations, interdependence, and competition

Learning question:

Do plants have survival mechanisms?

Key knowledge: 

Mechanical, physical barriers 

National curriculum links:

-Organisms are interdependent and are adapted to their environment

-The importance of biodiversity

-Methods of identifying species and measuring distribution, frequency and abundance of species within a habitat

-Positive and negative human interactions with ecosystems.

Topic 8:

B17 Organising an ecosystem.

Learning question:

How are we related to other organisms?

How do we survive?


Key knowledge:

National curriculum links:

-The genome as the entire genetic material of an organism

-How the genome, and its interaction with the environment, influence the development of the phenotype of an organism -The potential impact of genomics on medicine

-Most phenotypic features being the result of multiple, rather than single, genes -Single gene inheritance and single gene crosses with dominant and recessive phenotypes

-Sex determination in humans

-Genetic variation in populations of a species

-The process of natural selection leading to evolution

End of unit test




Topic 9

B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems


Learning question:

Why is biodiversity so important?

How do different organisms interact?


Key knowledge:  

The importance of conservation

The problems with global warming

National curriculum links:

-The importance of biodiversity


End of unit test





End of Year Revision and Assessment




Building and revisiting

Ks2-The body

Yr 7 Muscular and skeletal system and specialised cells

Plant biology

Yr8 Breathing and respiration

Yr9 transport in plants and photosynthesis



Ks2- Understanding the body and organs.


Year 7 Specialised cells

Muscular and skeletal systems

Yr8 Organisation


Year 7- Reproduction in plants and animals

Yr8 Variation

Yr9- Genetics, variation  and adaptations

Year 7 competition, food webs and chains

Year 8 Photosynthesis and structure of organisms

Genetics and variation

Yr 9 Genetics, variation and adaptations

Year 7 competition, food webs and chains


Year 8


Year 9 Photosynthesis


Yr 9 Genetics, variation and adaptations





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Mocks Paper 1



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Mocks paper 2



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11 Chemistry Triple




Topic 1

C8 Rates of reaction and equilibrium

Learning question:

What affects the rate of reaction?

Key knowledge:

Collision theory



Kinetic energy

-Dynamic equilibrium

National curriculum links:

National curriculum links:

-The shapes of molecules (groups of atoms bonded together) and the way giant structures are arranged is of great importance in terms of the way they behave -Reactions can occur when molecules collide and do so at different rates due to differences in molecular collisions


End of unit test



 Topic 2:

C9 Crude oil and fuels

Learning question: 

What does crude oil consist of and how do we make it useful?

Key knowledge:  

Hydrocarbons, fractional distillation, combustion, cracking.

National curriculum links:

-Distinguishing between pure and impure substances -Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation

-Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations -Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent.

End of unit test

Topic 3

C10 Organic Reactions

Learning question:

What different compounds can you make from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?

Key knowledge:

What different compounds can you make from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?

National curriculum links:

-Organic compounds are used as fuels in cellular respiration to allow the other chemical reactions necessary for life

End of unit test




 Topic 4

C11 Polymers

Learning question: 

How can you link polymer synthesis with its properties?

Key knowledge:  

Addition and condensation polymerisation, natural polymers.

End of unit test


Topic 5:

C12 Chemical analysis

Learning question:

How can chemists analyse mixtures?

Key knowledge: 

Pure substances and mixtures. Chromatography. Testing for gases. Testing ions and instrumental analysis.

National curriculum links:

-Distinguishing between pure and impure substances -Separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration, crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation

-Quantitative interpretation of balanced equations -Concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of solvent.

End of unit test







 Topic 6:

C13 The Earth’s Atmosphere

Learning question:

How and why has the earths atmosphere changed over time?

Key knowledge:

 History and present atmosphere, greenhouse gases and climate change, pollution.

National curriculum links:

-Evidence for composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since its formation

-Evidence, and uncertainties in evidence, for additional anthropogenic causes of climate change

-Potential effects of, and mitigation of, increased levels of carbon dioxide and methane on the Earth’s climate

-Common atmospheric pollutants: sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates and their sources

Topic 7:

C14 The Earth’s Resources

Learning question:

What resources are available to the earth?

Key knowledge:  

Finite and renewable. Potable water. Waste water. Extracting metals. Lifecycle assessments. Recycling.

National curriculum links:

-Life cycle assessment and recycling to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life

-The viability of recycling of certain materials

-The Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water

End of unit test




Topic 8:

C15 Using our resources.

Learning question:

How can resources be synthesised for the demand needed?

Key knowledge:

 Rusting, alloys, polymers, glass, ceramics and composites. Haber process and fertilisers.

End of unit test


:End of Year Revision and Assessment





End of Year Revision and Assessment




Building and revisiting

Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y10 P3.


Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y9 Reactivity Series, Y10 P3.


Y7 Atoms and Chemical Reactions, Y8 Atoms and Chemical Reactions,  Y10 C3, Y10 P3, Y10 Polymers, Y10 Organising ecosystems, Y10 biodiversity, Y11 P14.

Y10 Organising ecosystems, Y10 biodiversity Y11 P14, Y10 P3.





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Mocks Paper 1



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Mocks Paper 2


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11 Physics Triple




Topic 1:



Topic 2:

P11 Force and Pressure

Learning question: 

P11 What is pressure?

Key knowledge:

Pressure and surfaces

Pressure in a liquid at rest

Atmospheric pressure

Upthrust and flotation

National curriculum links:

-Pressure in fluids acts in all directions: variation in Earth’s atmosphere with height, with depth for liquids, up-thrust force (qualitative).


Topic 3:

P12 Wave Properties

What is a wave?

Key knowledge:  

The nature of waves

The properties of waves

Reflection and refraction

More about waves

Sound waves

The uses of ultrasound

Seismic waves

National curriculum links:

-Amplitude, wavelength, frequency, relating velocity to frequency and wavelength

-Transverse and longitudinal waves


End of unit test

 Topic 4:

P13 Electromagnetic Waves

Learning question: 

 How are waves used in communications?


Key knowledge:  

The electromagnetic spectrum

Light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves


Ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma rays

X-rays in medicine

National curriculum links:

-Electromagnetic waves, velocity in vacuum; waves transferring energy; wavelengths and frequencies from radio to gamma-rays

-Velocities differing between media: absorption, reflection, refraction effects -Production and detection, by electrical circuits, or by changes in atoms and nuclei -Uses in the radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X-ray and gammaray regions, hazardous effects on bodily tissues.


End of unit test



Topic 5:

P14 Light


Learning question:

How does light behave?


Key knowledge:

Reflection of light

Refraction of light

Light and colour

Using lenses

National curriculum links:

the use of models, as in the particle model of matter or the wave models of light and of sound

End of unit test





 Topic 6

P15 Electromagnetism

Learning question:

What is a magnet and what is an electromagnet?

Key knowledge:  

Magnetic fields

Magnetic fields of electric current

Electromagnets in devices

The motor effect

The generator effect

The alternating-current generator


Transformers in action

National curriculum links:

-Exploring the magnetic fields of permanent and induced magnets, and the Earth’s magnetic field, using a compass

-Magnetic effects of currents, how solenoids enhance the effect

-How transformers are used in the national grid and the reasons for their use.


 End of unit test




 Topic 7:

P16 Space

Learning question:

P16 What is our place in the universe?

Key knowledge:  

Formation of the Solar System

The life history of a star

Planets, satellites, and orbits

The expanding Universe

The beginning and future of the Universe

National curriculum links:

-The main features of the solar system.

End of unit test







Final Exams




Building and revisiting

Y7 Forces and Motion, Y8 Forces, Motion and Pressure, Y9 Waves

Y9 Waves, Y9 Light

Y9 Electricity and Electromagnets

Y7 Earth in Space





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Mocks Paper 2


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Recall 5AFL: In lesson formative assessment- white boards ‘Normalising error’




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