Don’t let Covid worries stop your child taking part in our extra-curricular Music lessons – We have your child’s safety covered!

At BCHS we are renowned for our fantastic performing arts and musical talents as evidenced by the great performance events that we offer each year.

If your child is a keen musician or would like to develop their musical skills or even give a new skill a try, at Birchwood Community High School we currently offer extra lessons in guitar, drums, keyboard, piano and singing.

We are aware that our students and parents may be concerned as to whether committing to music lessons is wise during our current  pandemic but we would like to assure you that all necessary steps have been put in place to ensure that your child is as safe as possible.

A full list of procedures can be found below and include:

Practice rooms are well ventilated and provided with sanitizers and thoroughly cleaned after each lesson and at the end of the day.

No sharing of musical instruments (students are encouraged to bring their own if they have them) without thorough cleaning.

In vocal lessons, a screen (2m x2m) has been installed, which can be seen in the photograph, which separates the student and the teacher for their safety.

If your child is interested in joining lessons, a letter can also be found below with details about the cost of our lessons and how to pay.

We do hope that if your child is interested in performing, you will feel happier to allow them to take part in these great opportunities and our music team look forward to welcoming them to lessons.

Music Starter letter   Covid Procedures for Instrumental lessons                              

Covid Procedures for vocal lessons


News Archive

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