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Employers and T Levels

What are T Levels

T Levels are a new two year technical programme that provide young people with a high quality technical alternative to ‘A’ levels. They have been developed in collaboration with employers and combine theory, practical and classroom learning with a minimum of 315 hours (approximately 45 days) industry placement. After completing the course students can progress directly into employment or on to higher education.

We are amongst the first colleges selected by the government to launch the T Level qualifications. We were chosen because of our strong existing partnerships with employers and our track record in promoting work experience, problem-based learning and work-related projects.

These  qualifications that bridge the gap between education and what employers want from the future workforce. To can find out more in this video here:

Contact us if you would like to attend to find out more about these exciting qualifications.

For our T Levels, we need the help of employers to shape our curriculum and to help us with industry placements. The placements are designed to provide industry knowledge so that students have a full understanding of the profession they are studying. We will work with our employer partners to support them in setting up placements with hands-on experience.

See the links below for more information about placements and T Levels from the Department for Education and placement specialists


Further information from the DFE about managing work placements is here

Health and Safety Safeguarding Insurance.pdf

Line Managing Industry Placement Students.pdf

Working With Industry Placement Students.pdf

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