To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week, our Year 7 students have been working hard as part of a project to spread messages of kindness in our community.
Watch this space!

Cavendish Nuclear have an exciting opportunity for pupils age 14-15 to undertake a virtual work experience week as part of our 2021 Future Engineers Programme! The programme is now open for applications and will be closing on Friday 16th of April 2021. The programme...
Leaving school can be a confusing time, with uncertainty about future routes toward success, but for one of our year 11 students, Nina Hann, her route is clear and really exciting! After a video audition and an online interview, Nina got news late yesterday afternoon...
Thank you to everyone who replied to our latest parent/carer survey, we were overwhelmed by the gratitude, thanks and positive comments that you all left. A summary of the responses are below: 97% agreed or strongly agreed that their child is happy at our school. 98%...
An exciting virtual work experience opportunity with Jaguar Land Rover that has just gone live, for any Girls at Birchwood Community High School who may be interested in applying. You have to hurry though the deadline for applications is the 26th of February 2021. For...
Since January, Birchwood Community High School have been providing £15 per week in vouchers to children who are entitled to free school meals. It is a hard time for many families and these vouchers feed children who are hungry. The vouchers have been provided by the...
There was great excitement in school today as our adoption documentation arrived for the animals that we were able to adopt thanks to our eco-committee and your support for their charity calendar. The committee and in particular Stanley and the Strong family, came up...
The first BCHS eco-committee was formed in June 2018. From a student led recycling programme to participating in litter picks with primary school children our students have shown great commitment to improving their school and local environment. Their actions in...
Our personal wellbeing is of prime importance at present with all the added strain of the pandemic and worries about our loved ones. Stress can have a negative effect on us all. students who are trying to carry on their education online. Parents who are trying to not...
Bikeability training for year 7 On During the week of March 22nd, we hope, COVID-19 permitting, to de able to deliver bike training sessions for year 7 in conjunction with BikeRight. This has been both a popular and hugely beneficial opportunity to year 7s...
The Alliance for Learning have introduced a really fun visual art competition for all you budding artists out there and not only will it appeal to our creative photographers but also to keep fitters. We all know how important it is to keep fit during lockdown and the...
BP have introduced a great externally judged competition that we would love as many of our years 7, 8 and 9 to take part in. As a green flag Award winning eco school, we think that this is just the competition for all our budding eco warriors out there. The...
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In light of the government’s announcement about mass testing in schools starting in January, we are looking for volunteers in the local community who may be able to help us out. Whether that be signing students in and out, administering the testing equipment or...
Thank you to Nicole Mcilveen, Senior Fundraising Manager at Macmillan Cancer Care for her lovely message of thanks for our recent fundraising in honour of Miss Mac. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to find out how the money that our BCHS community raised will...
A massive well done to Abigail from 7IN who took second place in this year’s Alliance for Learning Teaching School poetry competition which was entitled ‘Coming Together’. Abigail’s poem was entitled ‘2020 – A year to Remember’ and aptly described how the Covid 19...
Every parent worries about getting the correct fare together every morning. They have concerns about their child losing the money or spending it on something else and then being left short for the journey home. Educational Termly Season Ticket allows you to save up...
Today we held our Christmas Kindness celebration day to honour our teacher, colleague and Friend Miss Mac who sadly passed away earlier this term. Everyone loved Miss Mac and she is an inspiration to all of us at BCHS because of her courage, sense of fun, commitment...
Key stage 3 students experiment with a taste of Spain. The wider curriculum and life experiences are a huge part of our ethos at BCHS so as part of their RSVP to Success - a list of activities and experiences for our students to try, years 7, 8 and 9 have been...
Yesterday, Monday 30 November we welcomed Elaine Dunkley, BBC Education Correspondent into our school to film a piece for BBC Breakfast regarding Ofsted concerns for the future of vulnerable children and the effects that absence from school due to isolating may have...
Year 11 are to be educated remotely from Monday 16 November and then come back into school on Thursday 26 November. Please check your emails for letter from Ms Mills