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Personal Development Curriculum 

Our personal development programme is well-structured and supports our students in developing a variety of personal and citizenship skills.The programme of study encourages our students to become self-aware and show sensitivity to the needs of others. We have five key themes: The Birchwood Way, Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Thriving in the Modern World and Our place in the Wider World 

Our curriculum encourages our students to celebrate diversity, challenges stereotypes and addresses issues such as discrimination and prejudice in society as a whole. 

We have a strong student leadership programme which involves a range of student ambassadors. They take part in many aspects of school life, including transition, community work, reading, environmental support, diversity and wellbeing.

To learn more about the personal development curriculum, click here.


British Values

At Birchwood Community High School we embrace the British values of:


The rule of law

Individual liberty

Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith

At BCHS we promote the British Values, preparing our students for life in Modern Britain through our Personal Development curriculum which encompasses not only discreet lessons and activities but our spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education, which permeates through the school’s curriculum and supports the development of the whole child. This development is most successful when those values and attitudes are promoted by everyone in our school community and provides a positive model of behaviour for our students.

The curriculum followed in Ethics, Philosophy and Religion (EPR) supports the development of each student’s sense of identity, self-worth and ability to be insightful; developing awareness of their own and others’ principles, values and beliefs, both religious and non-religious.

The Gay and Lesbian Youth Support Service (GLYSS) Warrington works with all Year 7 and 8 students to address issues of Homophobia and during LGBT Month students support in the delivery of assemblies and other awareness raising events. Incidents of racism and homophobia are low in our school community.

Our aim is to develop well-rounded and reflective students who can confidently move forward from school to become positive role models and excellent citizens, demonstrating respect and tolerance in their local and national communities.

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