Lunchtime Arrangements
At Birchwood Community High School we operate an in-house catering service for students, staff and visitors. In addition to our lunchtime canteen service, we provide a breakfast and morning break service each day.
Facilities are available at lunchtime for pupils to have a school dinner or a packed lunch.
School Menus & Dietary Guidance
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health and wellbeing. We offer a variety of food on our school menus every day in school. We are conscious that our school community has a range of dietary requirements, and we accommodate these wherever possible, so that all our students can enjoy a healthy, hearty meal every day in school.
Click here to view The Birch Bistro Menus.
Click here to view our Allergen Information guide.
Click here to view the Meal Deal offer.
Click here to view daily baguettes on offer.

World Kitchen
Each day students can choose a hot meal as part of a meal deal.
As well as our two week menu we also have regular special offers and celebration days where students can try food from around the world.
Online Payments and Cashless Catering
We operate a cashless canteen system. This means no money passes through the tills.
You can add money to student accounts by using the online payment system – whereby parents add money over the internet to their child’s school food account.
The system is safe and secure and significantly cuts queueing times in the canteen.
There are many benefits to a cashless system including:
- Students are not carrying cash around all day and the potential for loss is reduced.
- It provides a considerably quicker service and reduces queues.
- If you are entitled to free school meals (FSM) no one is aware of this (the FSM daily allowance is automatically added to the pupil’s account).
- The system uses biometrics. The system involves the capture of Biometric fingerprint data that is securely stored by the school. A scanner is used on the cash payment machines and also at the cash registers to recognise the pupil’s account. This data is destroyed when your child leaves the school or when you instruct us to do so.
The online payment system is operated through ParentPay. Under this system, a separate username (child’s name) and password is allocated for each child in school. If you have more than one child in school you can link your accounts in the system and also change your password and username.
You can access ParentPay to make online payments by debit or credit card. The system will be updated approximately every 15 minutes to show new payments.