The BBC visit us to report on GCSE results day 2020

Be sure not to miss the BBC 6pm news this evening as our students are to be featured receiving their GCSE results.

The BBC spent the morning with us filming and interviewing our staff and students as they were delivered their GCSE results.

As ever we were so proud of our students as the spoke about their results and how these challenging times of uncertainty have made them feel.  Opening results is worrying enough, but to open them whilst being filmed for TV is a real challenge but Esther, Martha, Lucy, Tom. Luke and Pedro, who agreed to be filmed, did a fantastic job of holding their nerve and delivering some great unrehearsed answers to the BBC journalist’s in depth questions.

We are so proud of all our students who have done incredibly well after a challenging final year at secondary school and it is great to have the opportunity to share our pride with the nation this evening.

News Archive

Bikeability training for year 7

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Another great lockdown competition for you to take part in

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We are looking for volunteers to assist us, can you help?

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What a fantastic day filled with fun, laughter and tears.

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Key stage 3 students experiment with a taste of Spain.

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Kindness Rocks

To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week, our Year 7 students have been working hard as part of a project to spread messages of kindness in our community.   Watch this space!

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