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Our Well-Being Matters

Although it is normal and natural to feel worried about things, sometimes this can feel too much and you might need a bit of extra help. You can talk to any adult at school and they will be able to point you in the right direction. If possible, try to avoid lesson time as staff have classes to teach and you don’t want to miss any learning.

If you feel you concerned about anything this is what you should do:

1. Report

Tell someone!

This could be a :

Parent or Carer
Teacher or other adult in school

You will be given a key adult who will listen to you, help you and support you.

2. Response

We will always look into what you tell us

The ‘Key’ Adult will always agree what we are going to do.

This might include speaking to other adults and children and by looking at CCTV.

3. Action

The action we take will depend on what we find out

The key adult will always contact parents, it is also common for us to have a meeting and a young person will be offered support if they need it.

4. Record

We always keep a record of an incident

This is so that we do not forget about it.  It also means that we can really help a young person and so that we can also spot patterns of behaviour.

5. Follow Up

The key adult will always ask a young person to come and see them after the concern has been resolved to check in with them.

We want to make sure that the young person feels safe and happy in school.

The following key adults’ below will be available at different times in the day to listen if you are really worried.

Heads of Year

Mr R Cowdell – Year 7
Ms L Gilchrist – Year 8
Mrs A Jones – Year 9
Miss C Russell – Year 10
Mrs J Jenkinson – Year 11

Safeguarding Team

Mrs A Crompton   
Miss A Clarke
Mrs S Rigby-White  
Ms E Mills

Mental Health Team

Mrs S Rigby-White- Senior Mental Health Lead
Miss J Roscow- Mental Health Champion
Mrs M Bird – Mental Health First Aider
Mrs K McKean – Mental Health First aider

Assistant Heads of Year

Mrs A Davies – Year 7
Ms J Hickson – Year 8
Mrs K Mckean – Year 9
Mrs M Bird – Year 10
Mrs A Anderson – Year 11

School Health Advisor

Mrs Plant (School Nurse)

Some Organisations can also offer you help

If you are worried that you or someone you know is suffering abuse

Childline – 0800 1111
NSPCC – 0800 800500

If you are worried that you or someone you know has an eating disorder

BEAT (Beat Eating Disorders) – 0845 634 7650

If you are worried that you or someone you know has mental health issues

Kooth –
MINDWORKS Drop-In Clink CAMHS – 01925 579 405
Tues 12-1pm, Wed 4.30-6pm Warrington Youth Cafe
Tues 3.30-5pm, Wed 4-5pm Orford Youth Base

If you are worried that you or someone you know is being bullied

Kidscape – keeping safe, bullying, how to cope – 08451 205 204

If you are worried that you or someone you know is self-harming

National Self Harm Network – 0800 622 6000

If you are worried that you or someone you know is thinking of suicide

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide – 0800 068 4141
Samaritans – 08457 90 90 90

If you are worried that you or someone you know needs support with drug or alcohol issues

Drinkline – 0300 123 1110
National Drugs Helpline – FRANK – 0300 123 6600

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