Women in Engineering – Jaguar Land Rover Virtual Work Experience opportunities for BCHS girls.

An exciting virtual work experience opportunity with Jaguar Land Rover that has just gone live, for any Girls at Birchwood Community High School who may be interested in applying.

You have to hurry though the deadline for applications is the 26th of February 2021.

For those interested and eligible, the programme will run from the 8th of March to the 19th of March 2021.

It will cover everything from engineering and manufacturing, to design and technology – as well as provide a detailed overview of the next steps available to students looking for a successful career at Jaguar Land Rover. Students will also receive a certificate from Jaguar Land Rover upon completion of the programme which can be used in CVs, personal statements and future interviews!

To apply for this fantastic opportunity click the link below


News Archive

Bikeability training for year 7

Bikeability training for year 7 On During the week of March 22nd, we hope, COVID-19 permitting, to de able to deliver bike training sessions for year 7  in conjunction with BikeRight. This has been both a popular and hugely beneficial opportunity to year 7s...

Another great lockdown competition for you to take part in

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We are looking for volunteers to assist us, can you help?

In light of the government’s announcement about mass testing in schools starting in January, we are looking for volunteers in the local community who may be able to help us out. Whether that be signing students in and out, administering the testing equipment or...

What a fantastic day filled with fun, laughter and tears.

Today we held our Christmas Kindness celebration day to honour our teacher, colleague and Friend Miss Mac who sadly passed away earlier this term. Everyone loved Miss Mac and she is an inspiration to all of us at BCHS because of her courage, sense of fun, commitment...

Key stage 3 students experiment with a taste of Spain.

Key stage 3 students experiment with a taste of Spain. The wider curriculum and life experiences are a huge part of our ethos at BCHS so as part of their RSVP to Success - a list of activities and experiences for our students to try, years 7, 8 and 9 have been...

Kindness Rocks

To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week, our Year 7 students have been working hard as part of a project to spread messages of kindness in our community.   Watch this space!

Year 11 Remote Learning

Year 11 are to be educated remotely from Monday 16 November and then come back into school on Thursday 26 November. Please check your emails for letter from Ms Mills

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